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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX – Zamboanga del Norte
Division of City Schools
Sicayab, Dipolog City


Junior High School Department


Teacher: Ms. Anjenette E. Columnas Grade & Section: Grade 9 - Molave

School: Sicayab National High School Date: February 18, 2023

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students can:

a. identify the different types of conflict
b. determine the values conveyed in the presentations
c. reenact the different situations provided by the teacher

Most Essential Learning Competencies: (UNCODED) Make connections

between texts to particular social issues, concerns, or dispositions in real

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Elements of Story: Conflict

Reference: English Learning Module, Quarter 2 – Module 8
E-Reference: 5 Types of Conflict to Use for Memorable Stories by Jerry Jenkins

Instructional Materials:
 powerpoint presentation
 cartolina and manila papers

Value Focus: To provide a possible solution to the conflicts depicted.

Integration: Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

III. Procedure

A. Preparation

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Rules
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Health and Safety Protocols
B. Motivation

The teacher calls out two (2) students to do the motivational

activity. The students will be seated in front of the class facing each
other. The rest of the class will be the one to observe them.

Directions: Each student is given a one-hundred-peso bill. The goal of

the game is to get the paper bill from the opponent through
negotiation. If one manages to get the bill, he/she will be the winner,
while the other one will be considered as the loser left with no paper
bill. Unless both parties agree to split the amount, both will lose the
game and the paper bills will be confiscated. The students will be
given three (3) rounds to negotiate and finally come up with the last

Scenario for the motivational activity:

Questions to follow-up:
 What is the game all about?
 What is the strategy in order to win?
 What have you observed during the negotiation?
 Did the players have a misunderstanding in the game?

Let the students share their answers with the class.

C. Presentation of the Topic

The motivational activity that was demonstrated earlier will help us in

discovering what will be our topic for today. So, I hope you have been
listening and observing carefully.

Now, notice that there are jumbled letters on the board. Let’s try to
form a word out these letters, thus revealing our topic for today’s

What do you think will be our topic for today?


The teacher introduces the topic to the learners by using the

powerpoint presentation as a guide for the lesson proper.

D. Discussion
One of the elements of a short story is conflict. It is a struggle
between opposing characters or opposing forces in the story. It may
be an external conflict, one which a character struggles with another
person, with a group of people or with a force. It may also be an
internal conflict which takes place in a character’s mind.

The word “conflict” tends to generate images of anger, fighting, and

other ugly thoughts that leave people bruised and beaten. Conflict
isn’t uncommon to us, and it isn’t always good. But it isn’t always a
bad thing, either. Let’s talk a little bit about what conflict is and how
we think about it through the help of this video.

YouTube Link:

4 Types of Conflict:

• Man vs. Self

• Man vs. Man
• Man vs. Nature
• Man vs. Society

E. Generalization

Directions: Complete the paragraph by choosing the correct set of

words that is suitable for the sentences.

conflict characters external internal mind

One of the elements of a short story is . It is a struggle

between opposing or opposing forces in the story. It may be
an conflict, one which a character struggles with another
person, with a group of people or with a force. It may also be an
conflict which takes place in a character’s .

F. Application
Group Activity: The learners are divided into three (3) groups via
count-off. The teacher hands out the activity sheets for the students
to be guided in the activity.

Direction: Reenact the given situations provided by the teacher. Each

group will have a representative to act out the situations. The other
groups who have not yet presented their short role play will be the one
to identify the type of conflict and provide a solution.

Here are the sample situations to be given:

 A young child who has an imaginary friend.
 An old woman wishes to reconnect with her family but is slowly
losing her memory.
 A woman wishes to travel the world but is too scared to leave
her home.
 A man's girlfriend gets pregnant, but he isn't ready to be a

G. Evaluation

Identify the type of conflict in the following tiktok clips being

shown. Write MS (Man vs. Self), MM (Man vs. Man),
MN (Man vs. Nature), and MSO (Man vs. Society).

Clip #1 MM
Clip #2 MS
Clip #3 MS
Clip #4 MM
Clip #5 MSO


Create your very own tiktok short inspired by the different types of
conflict and upload it on your tiktok accounts. Be sure to put the
following hashtags in your videos to make it easier for me to search. You
are given one week to pass the assignment.

Here are the hashtags to be included in the caption:


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