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 Emilio Jose Plaza Alava

Course: 7
People are saying that the lock down during the COVID-19 was the best thing that
could happen to humans. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your opinion.

"Ultimately, the greatest lesson that COVID-19 can teach humanity is that we are all in this
together." - Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw. The COVID-19 pandemic proves the interconnected
nature of our world, no one is safe until everyone is safe. Only by acting in unity can
communities save lives and overcome the devastating socio-economic impact of the virus.
But at least, the lock down during the pandemic has given to us ways to stop spreading the
virus, opportunities to stay in family and the preservation of the environment.
Quarantine, physical or social distancing and isolation were the best thing that could happen
to people to prevent the spread of the virus and prevent mass deaths. Doctors or health
departments in each country with infected patients required quarantine. This way people
who may have been exposed to COVID-19, or who have recently been in close contact with
someone who has COVID-19 would stay home. Preventing people with COVID-19 from
infecting others before they feel sick or have symptoms. On the other hand, if a person tests
positive for the virus and has symptoms, they would go into hospital isolation, but if they
don't have symptoms, they would go into home isolation. Where the infected person must
stay away from family members and pets. Avoiding sharing dishes, glasses, bedding and
other household items. Finally, social distancing, which consists of being away from people
who are outside your home by about 2 meters. It also helps a lot to avoid the spread of the
virus. Mainly these methods of confinement were done so as not to saturate the hospitals
since no country or state has enough hospitals for a massive amount of people.
The lock down during the pandemic made us realize that the environment can be preserved
recover if we give it time and space. Although it is true that Covid 19 caused and continues
to cause problems in society, however, many people realized that there were also positive
points during the time we spent in our homes. For example, there were cities where animals
entered the streets when there were no people nearby. In addition, not only the animals
benefited, but also the planet. There were many cities where pollution from pollution
decreased drastically due to the absence of cars on the streets. Another important point is
the decrease in illegal animal trafficking caused by the pandemic. This is due to the fear of
getting the virus from wild animals and due to the lack of buyers. There are surely many
more positive things about the environment that happened during the quarantine period and
that we can take to raise awareness about the damage we do to the environment.
Days in lockdown was the greatest opportunity to make us realize that no matter how much
time we think we have, in short, we will not spend enough good time with our family. This is
a good time for children to reinvent methods to play and learn, explore their surroundings,
and make the most of what they have. You should also understand responsibility and its role
in contributing in your own way to find solutions to collective problems. Many people
understand the importance of being creative in the scarce resources and limited physical
space at home. In addition, many people are beginning to realize that small favors to other
family members can help increase emotional well-being. Some people even learn new skills,
but the most important thing is to learn to appreciate the emotional connections established
between different generations. These connections help us develop emotional resilience,
which is what we need to survive stressful times.
Definitely the confinement brought positive things to people. First of all it prevented the
spread of the virus and saved many lives. Second, it made people connect with their
families, improving their coexistence and communication. Finally, the fact that people were
locked up caused the resuscitation of many ecosystems, improving the lives of many living
beings. The confinement is still very important because the virus still exists. But we know
that people must work to survive. The important thing is to go out only when necessary and
with the necessary tools to take care of yourself.

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