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1. The branch of science that deals with the study of interaction of matter and energy.

-- Physics
2. The branch of science that deals with the study of structure, properties and composition of
-- Chemistry
3. 2 Classification of Physics:
1. Classical Physics -- deals with motion.
2. Modern Physics-- deals with light.
4. Father of Classical Physics.
-- Sir Isaac Newton
5. Father of Modern Physics.
-- Albert Einstein
6. The property of matter to resist any change of its state or in motion.
-- Inertia
7. Anything that occupies space and has mass.
-- Matter
8. The capacity to do work.
-- Energy
9. A change in position of an object/body.
-- Motion

Part 1 Earth Science

Universe: Big bang theory - originated from Cosmic expansion
Inner or Terrestrial- planets (nearest the sun)
Giant or Jovian planets( outer planets; far from the sun)
Equator- imaginary line dividing d earth into d northern hemisphere & southern hemisphere
Prime meridian- the line of 0 longitude, d starting point for measuring distance both east and
west around d earth
Apogee- the point of highest altitude
Perigee- the point of lowest altitude
Aphelion- d point on its orbit when d earth is farthest frm d sun
Parihelion- d point on its orbit when d earth is closest to d sun
Archipelago- a group or chain of island clustered together in a sea or ocean
Atoll- a ring( or partial ring) volcanic cone
Basin- an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries
Butte- a flat- topped rock or hill formation
Canyon- a deep valley with very steep sides
Cave- a large hole in the ground or in d side of a hill or mountain
Cliff- a steep face of rovks and soil
Continent-- the land mass on earth is divided
Desert- a very dry area
Delta- a low watery land formed at d mouth of a river
Dune- a hill or a ridge made by sand
Hill- a raised area or mound of land
Islands- a piece of land that is surrounded by water
Isthmus- a narrow strip of land connecting 2 larger landmasses; has water 2 sides
Marsh- fresh water,brackish water or salt water wetland that found along rivers, pond lakes
Mesa- land formation with flat area on top or steep walls(dry area)
Mountain- a very tall high natural place on earth
Peninsula- body of land that surrounded by water 3 sides
Plain- flats lands
Plateau- a large , flat area land
Water Bodies
Bay- closed by land
Cape- a pointed piece of land thst stickd out into a sea
Channel- harbor that deep enough to le ships sail through
Cove-- horseshoe- shaped body of water along d coast
Meteorology-- atmosphere & its effects on our weather
Weather- states of atmosphere at a particular place ,time, clouds dryness, etc
Climate of the Philippines-- tropical and maritime
Season--rainy/ dry
northeast monsoon(amihan)
Southwest- monsoon- habagat
Matter- anything that takes up space & has mass
Substance- matter that has a uniform and unchanging composition
Elements- is a subtance made up of atoms of one kind
Mixture-combination of two or more substances that r nt chemically unired & do nt exist in fixed
proportions to each other
Solution- homogeneous mixture of two or more subtances in a single phase
Solubility- is d ability of d solvent(water) to dissolve d dolute(sugar)
Suspension- a heterogeneous mixture of larger particles
Colloids- gemogenous solution with intermidiate particle size ; a mixture of two phases of

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