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The exam paper will focus on:

Introducing yourself
Description of people
Daily routine
Food & beverage
conjugation tenses and grammar topics studied since
the beginning of term 1

Introducing yourself

Bonjour, je suis Mahi Patel, j'ai seize ans, je suis indien, j'habite à
Bangkok, je parle trois langues, anglais, hindi et gujrati, j'ai un frère et
zero soeurs. Mon anniversaire est le dix sept janvier deux mille six.
father: le père
mother: la mère
son: le fils
daughter: la fille
brother: le frère
sister: la soeur
husband: le mari
wife: la femme, l’épouse
husband: l’époux, le mari
grandparents: les grand-parents
grandfather: le grand-père
grandmother: la grand-mère
great-grandfather: l’arrière-grand-père
great-grandmother: l’arrière-grand-mère
grandchildren: les petits-enfants
grandson: le petit-fils
granddaughter: la petite-fille
uncle: l’oncle
aunt: la tante
great-uncle: le grand-oncle
great-aunt: la grand-tante
nephew: le neveu
niece: la nièce
male cousin: le cousin
female cousin: la cousin
parents-in-law: les beaux-parents
father-in-law, step-father: le beau-père
mother-in-law, step-mother: la belle-mère
son-in-law, step-son: le beau-fils
daughter-in-law, step-daughter: la belle-fille
half-brother, step brother: le demi-frère
half-sister, step sister: la demi-soeur
Description of People
Daily Routine
Reflexive verbs in French
To describe daily routine, we use reflexive verbs
such as : "se réveiller" (to wake up), "se lever" (to
get up), "se laver" (to wash yourself) and "se
coucher" (to go to bed).
Je me réveille (I wake up)
Tu te réveilles (You wake up)
Il/elle se réveille (He/she/one wakes up)
Nous nous réveillons (We wake up)
Vous vous réveillez (You -plural/formal- wake up)
Ils/elles se réveillent (They -masculine/feminine-
wake up)

Faire (To do, make)

Similar to the reflexive verbs, the verb "faire" is a
very useful verb to talk about daily routine.
Je fais une balade.
I go for a walk.
Je fais des exercices.
I exercise.
Je fais un smoothie.
I make a smoothie.

Common words:
- se réveiller = to wake up
- se lever = to get up
- prendre le petit-déjeuner = to have breakfast
- se doucher = to take a shower
- se brosser les dents = to brush your teeth
- se coiffer = to do your hair
- se maquiller = to put on makeup
- se raser = to shave
- s’habiller = to get dressed
- lire un livre = to read a book
- jardiner = to garden
- regarder la télévision = to watch television
- faire la vaisselle = to do the dishes
- se coucher = to go to bed
Food and beverages
Conjugations Tenses and Grammer
The irregular verbs that you have studied -so far- are:
-Etre (to be)
-Avoir (to have)
-Faire (to do/make)
-Aller (to go)
-Boire (to drink)
-Prendre (to take)
-Ecrire (to write)
-Décrire (to describe)
-Lire (to read)
-Vouloir (to want)

regular verbs
GROUP 1: -er verbs : -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent.
GROUP 2: -ir verbs: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent.
(-issant(present participle))
GROUP 3: irregular verbs: -dre verb: -ds, -ds, -d, -dons, -
dez, -dent.

Past participle:
G1: er --> __é
G2: ir --> __i
G3: re --> __u
__(e) for female


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