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Aqueduct is a water pipe like that we have now in modern era.

It is built by
the Romans to transport fresh water to their populated cities. This invention
is also a great architectural achievement that uses physics to deliver fresh
water. Because of aqueduct, Roman cities flourish and clean.
4a. What is the invention?
- The invention is the aqueduct. It is a infrastructure invented to be able to
supply fresh water to Roman cities and other countries on Ancient period.

4b. What are the precursors of your chosen invention? What toots existed
prior to it or how did people carry out activities before its invention?
- Before the invention of aqueduct, people are to use big water jars to store
water that they got from nearby water source using small water jars to
transport the water to bigger water jars inside or outside of their houses.

4c. What are the social, political, cultural, or economic context in which the
invention was made?
- As the Roman empire expand and flourish, its cities are getting bigger and
populated. The once nearby fresh water sources become far from the other
city’s citizen. That is why aqueduct were invented. The social context of
Romans being cautious to hygiene where they made public baths and toilets
that uses fresh water also contributed the need of aqueduct.

4d. What were the social, political, cultural, or economic impacts of your
chosen invention?
- With the aqueduct, cities can expand and flourish with trade coming
from different part of the world as they are able to accommodate
merchant, and traveler with fresh water. The hygiene in Roman period
is also high as Romans wanted their cities and its people clean to
reduce diseases and plagues.

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