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Define the following epidemiological terms and give examples.

Infection is the invasion of an organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents,

their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agents and the
toxins they produce. An infectious disease, also known as a transmissible disease
or communicable disease, is an illness resulting from an infection.


Infestation is the state of being invaded or overrun by pests or parasites. It can

also refer to the actual organisms living on or within a host.


Contamination is used to describe harmful intrusions, such as the presence of

toxins or pathogens in food or pharmaceutical drugs. In environments where
nuclear safety and radiation protection are required, radioactive contamination is a


Contagious diseases A disease that can spread from one person to another
through direct or indirect contact.


Hyper endemic disease is used to refer to a disease which is constantly and

persistently present in a population at a high rate of incidence and/or prevalence
(occurrence) and which equally affects (i.e. which is equally endemic in) all age
groups of that population


Holoendemic Medical Definition of holoendemic. : affecting all or characterized

by the infection of essentially all the inhabitants of a particular area holoendemic
Zoonosis is another name for a zoonotic disease. This type of disease passes from
an animal or insect to a human. Some don’t make the animal sick but will sicken a


Exotic ?
Attack rate is the proportion of people within a population that is infected with a
certain disease, having previously been healthy. This term is also known as
incident ratio. This information is used mainly to determine the cause of the
emergence of an epidemic in some region.

Epizootic An epidemic outbreak of disease in an animal population, often with

the implication that it may extend to humans.

For example, Rift Valley fever (RVF)

Enzootic is the non-human equivalent of endemic and means, in a broad sense,

"belonging to" or "native to", "characteristic of", or "prevalent in" a particular
geography, race, field, area, or environment; native to an area or scope. It also has
two specific meanings: an organism being " enzootic " means native to a place or a
specific fauna


Nosocomial infection (HAI) is one that: a patient develops during

hospitalization or erupts within 14 days of hospital discharge.

An example of a fomite would be: a drinking glass used by a patient, bandages

from an infected wound, soiled bed linens.

Eradication Referring to disease, the termination of all transmission of infection

by extermination of the infectious agent through surveillance and containment;
global eradication has been achieved for smallpox, regional eradication for malaria
and perhaps in some places for measles.

Elimination Diagram illustrating renal flow along the nephron. In pharmacology

the elimination or excretion of a drug is understood to be any one of a number of
processes by which a drug is eliminated (that is, cleared and excreted) from an
organism either in an unaltered form (unbound molecules) or modified as a

Host of infection A host in the context of infectious disease refers to an animal

or plant that acts as a biological refuge in which another - often parasitic -
organism may dwell. The host usually provides shelter or nourishment to the other
organism, which may use the host to partially/completely sexually develop

Reservoir of infection Any person, animal, plant, soil or substance in which an

infectious agent normally lives and multiplies. The reservoir typically harbors the
infectious agent without injury to itself and serves as a source from which other
individuals can be infected. The infectious agent primarily depends on the
reservoir for its survival. It is from the reservoir that the infectious substance is
transmitted to a human or another susceptible host.

Sources of infection is defined as “the person, animal, object or substance from

which an infectious agent passes or is disseminated to the host (immediate

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