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Fully accomplish the application form in the link (

pBBegrXEB4oc6yUe6_OxSVYCdz/view?usp=sharing) and complete all the supporting
documents indicated hereunder.  

1. Permit to Operate for Air Pollution Source Installation or Air Pollution Control Device
2. Discharge Permit
3. Permits for the following: HWG ID Registration or Transporter or Treatment, Storage and
Disposal (TSD) or Importer of Recyclable Materials Containing Hazardous Substances and
Transport Permit;
4. Permits for the following: CCO Registration; CCO Importation Clearance; PCL Compliance
Certificate; PCL Compliance Certificate Exemption; PMPIN/SQI; Polymer Exemption
5. Picture of MRF or contract or any legal document for the final disposal of wastes
6. Compliance to conditions in ECC; proof of implementation of EMP
7. CMR for the past three years (attach proof of submission or receiving copy of each report)
8. SMR for the past three years (attach proof of submission or receiving copy of each report)
9. Payment of processing fee in the amount of Php 540.00

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