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Reading and Noting

Go over the whole journal. Recognize and star (*) the ten paragraphs that appear as being the
most important to you as a learning process of the particular topic in this class. You could select
an entry published since you were firing on all cylinders, having discovered things revelation,
trying to engage in higher - order thinking skills, starting to struggle with a severely deformed
idea, or going to experience ambiguity. Perhaps you were allowed to see beyond the classroom
discussions and texts to come up with an original idea. These ten verses should be as different as
possible, with generalizations that paint a complete picture of you as a student of this course's
subject matter. Then, twofold (**) five of the most requires understanding for you.

2. Reader's Letter
Submit a note to your audience in which you describe the objects you highlighted and describe
just why you ended up choosing those. Consider the following as well:

 What was the most persuasive or compelling argument given in this category?
 What did you find most interesting in lesson or in the measurements? Why?
 Was it an assertion or stance taken in lesson or in the readings that you profoundly
disagree with? Describe your response.
 What was the greatest crucial component or central notion conveyed this semester, in
your opinion?
 If you can somehow redo this college course keep repeating, what will you do different
manner? This because?

3. Address in Journals
Each journal proposal must include your reflective surfaces as to what has happened in class/in
the measurements among journals, in addition to any specific questions I could ascribe in class.
The journal offers a chance to

 create reading notations

 put ideas to the test and ask any questions
 apply course content in real-life situations
4. Written work
must show that the student

1. Efficaciously used assigned/selected pertinent measurements below supplemented good


2. Can display thoughts and knowledge in a way that a) is clear, well-organized, and thoughtful
below overall mean good awesome

b) is free of errors in syntax, spelling, commas, and sentence construction

below supplemented good awesome

c) adheres to the layout and duration prerequisites, mean is below estimate good awesome

5. Final Check
is your title, category, and dating site authored on the cover? Check that your journal has a full
contents page, pages on each page, and that each entrance is started dating. Enter "absent" next to
the deadline if you had been unavailable on the day that we utilized journals in lesson.

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