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Balungag National High School

Balungag, San Fernando, Cebu

SECOND Quarter Summative Test in Mathematics 8
Name: _______________________________________ Grade &Section:_____________________Score:___________
Directions: Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.
1.Which of the following sets of ordered pairs defines a relation?
A. {(3,2) , (-3,6) , (3,-2) , (-3, -6)} B. {(1,2) , (2,6) , (3,-2) , (4,-6)}
C. {(2,2) , (2,3) , (2,4) , (2, -9)} D. all of the above
2. Suppose the bicycle rental at the Luneta Park is worth P10 per hour. Your brother would like to rent a bicycle for
amusement. How much will your brother have to pay if he would like to rent a bicycle for 1 hour? 2 hours? 3 hours?
Express the answers as ordered pairs in the form (time, amount).
A. (1,10) , (2, 20) , (3, 30) B. (10,1) , (20,2) , (30,3)
C. (1,10) , (2,10) , (3,10) D. both A and B
3. Consider the relation represented by the mapping diagram on the right. Represent the relation as a set of ordered
A. (4, House A) , (7, House B) , (9, House C)
B. (4, House A) , ( 4, House D) , (7, House C) , (9, House B)
C. (4, House A) , (4, House D) , (7, House B) , (9, House C)
D. (House A, 4) , (House D, 4) , (House B, 7) , (House C, 9)
4. Which of the following shows a one-to-one correspondence?

5. Express the relation presented in the table below as a set

of ordered pairs.
A. {(3,27) , (5,83) , (7,140) , (9,197)}
B. {(27,3) , (83,5) , (140,7) , (197,9)}
C. {(3,197) , (5,140) , (7,83) , (9,27)}
D. {(27,9) , (83,7) , (140,5) , (197,3)}
6. Which of the following sets of ordered pairs defines a relation?
A. {(1,3) , (2,3) , (3,3) , (4,3)} B. {(0,2) , (0,3) , (4,4) , (0,5)}
C. {(13,10) , (6,−12) , (14,4) , (7, 25)} D. all of the above
7. Suppose you want to call your friend by phone. The charge of a payphone call is P5 for the first 3 minutes and an
additional charge of P3 for every additional minute or a fraction of it. How much will you have to pay of you have
called your friend for 1 minute? 2 minutes? 3 minutes? 4 minutes? 5 minutes? Express the answers as ordered pairs
in the form (time, amount).
A. (1,3) , (2,6) , (3,9) , (4,12) , (5,15) B. (1,5) , (2,5) , (3,5) , (4,8) , (5,11)
C. (5,1) , (5,2) , (5,3) , (8,4) , (11,5) D. (3,1) , (6,2) , (9,3) , (12,4) , (15,5)
8. Consider the relation represented by the mapping diagram below. Represent the relation as a set of ordered pairs.
A. {(3,-9), (2,-9) , (7,-9)
B. {(-9,3) , (-9,2) , (-9,-7)}
C. {(3,2) , (-7,-9)}
D. {(2,3) , (-9,-7)}
9. Which of the following shows a many-to-one correspondence?

10. The table shows a person’s age and the

person’s maximum recommended heart rate. Express the relation presented in the table below as a set of ordered

11. WHat is the domain and the range of the function f(x)= 3x-1
A. Domain: {x|x≥ 3} Range: {y|y ≥ -1} C. Domain: {x|x ≥ 3} Range: {y|y ≥ 1}
B. Domain: {x|x ∈ ℜ} Range: {y|y ≥ 1} D. Domain: {x|x ∈ ℜ} Range: {y|y ∈ ℜ}
12.Determine the range of the function f(x)=|x+3|.
A. R= {y|y≤ 3} B. R= {y|y ≥ 3} C.R= {y|y≤ 0} D.
R= {y|y ≥ 0}
13. What is the domain of the graph on the right side?
A. D= {x|x≤ 2} B. D= {x|x≥2}
C.D= {x|x≤ 0} D. D= {x|x ∈ ℜ}

14. Which graph of the functions has the

range of R= {y|y ≥ 0}
A. B

15.What is the domain and

range of the graph at the right side?

A. D: {x|x≤ 3} R: {y|y≤3} B.D: {x|x≥ 3} R: {y|y∈ ℜ}

C. D: {x|-3≤ x ≤ 3} R: {y|0≤ y ≤3} D. D= {x|x ∈ ℜ}, R= {y|y ∈ ℜ}

16.What is the set of all possible x-values which will make the function "work", and
will give real y-values?
A. function B. domain C. range D. slope
17.Which of the following function has a domain of D={x|x ∈ ℜ}?
A. 𝑓(𝑥)=5 B. 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑥2−2 C. 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑥/𝑥+3 D. 𝑓(𝑥)=2𝑥
18.The domain of the function𝑓(𝑥)=3𝑥−2 is 𝐷={𝑥|𝑥≥1}. What is its range?
A. 𝑅={𝑦|𝑦≤1} B. 𝑅={𝑦|𝑦≥1} C. 𝑅={𝑦|𝑦≤−1} D. 𝑅={𝑦|𝑦≥−1}
19.Determine the range of the function f(x)= 2x+ 3
A. R: {y|y≥2} b. R: {y|y≥3} c. R: {y|y≥6} d.R: {y|y ∈ ℜ}
20. Which of the following is a linear function?
A. 𝑓(𝑥)=3 B. 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑥2+𝑥+1 C. 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑥+2 D. 𝑓(𝑥)=√𝑥+5
21. What is the degree of the function f(x)=3x+4?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
22. Which of the following is NOT a linear function?
A. 𝑓(𝑥)=5𝑥 B. 𝑓(𝑥)=−𝑥+9 C. 𝑓(𝑥)=6𝑥+3 D. 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑥2+4

23. Which of the following is the function of the graph below?

A. f(x)= x+3 B. f(x)= x-3
C. f(x)= -x+3 D. f(x)= -x-3
24.Which of the following tables represent a linear function?

A. B.

C. D.

25. Which of the following is an example of a graph of a linear function?

A. B. C. D.

26.If m∠R + m∠M = 90°, then

A. ∠R = ∠M.
B. ∠R and ∠M are right angles.
C. ∠R and ∠M are complementary.
D. ∠R and ∠M are supplementary.
27. The If-then form of the statement “Parallel lines never intersect,” is
A. If two lines intersect, then they are parallel.
B. If two lines are parallel, then they never intersect.
C. If two lines are not parallel, then they intersect.
D. If two lines intersect, then they are not parallel.
28. Which of the following statements is true?
A. If ∠1 has a measure of 90°, then ∠1 is obtuse.
B. If ∠1 has a measure of 140°, then ∠1 is acute.
C. If ∠1 has a measure of 35°, then ∠1 is acute.
D. If ∠1 has a measure of 180°, then ∠1 is right.
29. Rewrite the statement “ A quadrilateral is a figure with four sides.” in the If-then form.
A. A figure has four sides if and only if it is a quadrilateral.
B. If a figure is a quadrilateral, then it has four sides.
C. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral.
D. A figure is a quadrilateral if and only if it has four sides.
30. If m∠X + m∠Y = 180°, then
A. ∠X = ∠Y.
B. ∠X and ∠Y are right angles.
C. ∠X and ∠X are complementary.
D. ∠X and ∠Y are supplementary.

Directions: Determine whether each is a linear function or not. Check if yes if it is a linear function
and No if it is not. Write the degree of the function. For linear functions, identify the slope 𝑚 and
the 𝑦−intercept 𝑏.


32.f(x)= -5x
33.f(x)= 2
34.f(x)= 3(x+2)
35.f(x)= 3x2-6

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