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1994 Northridge Earthquake in California

In the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake dozens of fires also occurred as ruptured gas lines
and gas leaks were ignited.

This earthquake was particularly damaging in part because the movement it produced
included a side-to-side lurching as well as vertical displacement.
Un reinforced masonry chimneys collapsed both into and outside of homes.
At homes whose exterior masonry walls were unreinforced.
Chimneys were left teetering on some homes, making occupancy unsafe.

Lateral Shift of Buildings off of Foundation & Subsequent Vertical Collapse

during Earthquake
Northridge Meadows Collapse: January 1994 Earthquake Fatalities & Survivors
The earthquake-induced collapse of crawl space cripple walls

Even a small lateral or vertical displacement in building movement can leave electrical, gas, or
plumbing systems out of order or unsafe (below left). Larger horizontal displacements are
obvious (below right) and homes built over crawlspaces that lacked seismic connectors were
very often combined with a vertical drop as the crawl area collapsed.
More examples of the effects of extreme lateral movement followed by a vertical drop in the
building structure are shown below.

Northridge Earthquake parking lot collapse photos - concrete reinforcement
Steel Lally Column Failures & Bending at the Northridge Earthquake in 1994
At above right, what had been the second floor level of Northridge Meadows was now
on the ground.
Fires from ruptured gas lines following the Northridge Earthquake in 1994

Exterior Wall Crack Patterns at Windows & Doors after Earthquake Damage

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