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why personal grooming matters in the workplace?

Clothes boost your confidence and help you attain a more positive attitude | Well-groomed individuals
are scientifically proven to be more confident in everything that they do. When someone takes care of
their appearances (and feel that they are presenting the best version of themselves), they will also
naturally put their best foot forward -- matching the interior to the exterior. As a result, being well
groomed enhances their potential, abilities and thinking!

A tasteful way of dressing earns you respect | Choosing appropriate work wear conveys an air of
maturity and attentiveness to detail. Dressing well and doing so suitably helps you become more
approachable while scoring you points for representing your organisation in a manner that's respectful.

Dressing well helps you stand out | Well-groomed individuals project a solid point of view and a no-
nonsense attitude. Dressing well on a daily basis will help create an impactful impression that allows you
to stand out.

Self-grooming enhances your personality | Once you start presenting a better version of yourself, you'll
notice a significant improvement on your self-esteem. A boost in self-esteem will allow you to be more
comfortable which in turn, enables your true personality to come out and shine!

Tastefully stylish individuals get promoted more often | A research conducted by the University of
Chicago and the University of California found that stylish individuals earn up to 22% more in salaries!

Presenting your best self increases productivity | Everyone knows that happiness and satisfaction are
crucial factors in an individual's performance. So it's a no brainer that presenting your best self means
better performance. If you're confused, it's because: pride in appearances equals confidence equals
happiness which then leads to efficiency.

So, personal grooming and smart dressing really do matter.

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