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The Auto-Ignition Temperature - or the minimum temperature required to ignite a gas or vapor in air without a spark or flame being

present. The Flash Point indicates how easy a chemical may burn. The flammable (explosive) range is the range of a gas or vapor concentration that will burn or explode if an ignition source is introduced.

What is the ignition temperature for wood?

Ignition temperature for wood is 300 degrees Fahrenheit. The Temperature of Ignition of dry paper is 451 degrees F. The ignition temperature of gasoline ranges from 530 and 553 K.

What is the difference between flash point and autoignition temperature?

In: Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering [Edit categories]

Explosion Hazard

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Autoignition temperature is the temperature above which adequate energy is available to provide an ignition source. For instance a hydrocarbon vapor released to the earth's atmosphere at or above its autoignition temperature will spontaneously combust (no other ignition sources are needed). Flash point is the lowest temperature of a liquid, which still emits enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture with air. To find the flash point, the temperature of a liquid exposed to the atmosphere is slowly increased with a flame exposed to the resulting vapors. The temperature at which the first ignition occurs is the flash point.

What is the difference between ambient temperature and temperature?

In: Science [Edit categories]

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Ambient refers to the temperature of the surrounding air, i.e not at parking lot level etc. Ambient means the temperature not being effected by mechanical means, like AC or any heat source. example, if you serve a wine at ambient temperature, it is not a specific number it is what ever the room is at the time.

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What is the difference between temperature and heat?

In: Science, Physics [Edit categories]

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Temperature is the average kinetic energy of particles of a substance. Thermal Energy or heat is the total amount of kinetic energy.

A bucket of water at 50C contains more heat compared to a cup of water at 100C, as one notice water in cup has more temperature. if you mean temperature then temperature is something we use to measure heat, and heat is the thing which is measured

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What is the ignition point of gasoline?

In: Chemistry, Science, SciTech

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The ignition temperature of gasoline is about 495 degrees Fahrenheit. C

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