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Queen Ex Credit


1. What did you find most surprising or interesting about this article?

The fact that Elizabeth was still close in line to the throne despite being illegitimate. I figured
that there would many more in front of her and much more of a fight for the throne.

2. What actions do you think demonstrated that Elizabeth was both a clever and fair ruler?

Elizabeth demonstrates she is a fair and clever ruler when she tried to fix religious differences in
that had been prevalent in England. She was able to convince parliament to approve a law that
allowed Catholics to also access concessions. She had managed to lighten such practices during
her rule.

3. Why was Elizabeth such a desirable match in marriage?

Any men had desired her to win control of England due to them gaining title of King.

4. What policies led to conflict with Spain?

The policy that had ensured independence of England, Elizabeth had messed around with many
nobles and never married one. Or, the Policy that had placed more lenient practices towards the


1. Magnificent: impressively beautiful, extravagant

2. Conspiracy: secret plan by group to do something harmful
3. Intellectual: person possessing a highly developed intellect


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