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Day Two yayyyyyyyyyyyy

Spearman: some tests correlated and proved the factors, we do not have an intelligence but
rather multiple
Sternberg: creative intelligence would be involved in making a story or art, lacks empirical basis
and data to back it up
Gardner: Gardner said yu could see the different intelligences in prehistoric humans, the theory
is said to be too broad and that the 8 different intelligence were simply just talents and
personality traits

2. The norms for standardized intelligence tests are periodically changed due to the difference in
language, materials etc.
An intelligence test can be determined as biased by having two groups on an iq test and
comparing the scores

3. The Standard normal deviation curve is a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard
deviation of 1, this is what lets us calculate the probability of certain values.

4. The ratio of mental age to physical age by 100

5. Internal reliability: consistency with a test, External reliability: ability to produce same results
every time, Validity, extent to which the instrument measures a theoretical construct

6. Content validity, refers to the extent a test measures a particular trait or behavior, Predictive
validity: function of a test in predicting a particular trait or behavior, Ecological validity, is the
extent to which research results can be applied to real life situations outside of research
settings, Representation validity, also known as translation validity, is about the extent to which
an abstract theoretical construct can be turned into a specific practical survey, Convergent
validity, refers to the degree to which a measure is correlated with other measures that it is
theoretically predicted to correlate with

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