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Category of Stress

Based on type of loading and the hazard represent in equipment, Categories and sub categories of stress are as

1. Primary stress:

a. General membrane stress, Pm

b. Local membrane stress, PL
c. Bending stress, Pb

2. Secondary stress:

a. Secondary membrane stress, Qm

b. Secondary bending stress, Qb

3. Peak stress, F :

1. Primary stress:

• “These Stresses produced by mechanical loading and are normal or shear by nature to satisfy
equilibrium are primary stresses.”
• These stresses once exceeding yield strength it can creates failure or distortion. These stresses are not
self limiting.
• These stresses are produced due to Internal Pressure, External Pressure or by external loading.
• By dividing these stresses into membrane and bending allowed, calculated primary bending stress a
higher value than that of primary general membrane stress.

a) Primary general membrane stress, Pm.

• This stress is the average primary stress across a solid section.

• It is due to pressure or mechanical loads, from except discontinuities such as head-shell joint, shell to
cone joint, nozzles, and supports.
1) Shells without discontinuities due to internal pressure.
2) Compressive and tensile longitudinal stresses due to wind.
3) Longitudinal compression due to dead weight
4) Nozzles within the limits of reinforcement due to internal pressure.

b) Primary local membrane stress, PL.

• It is due to design pressure only or by other mechanical loads.

• It has some self-limiting phenomena so once the yield strength of material crossed the load is distributed
towards stiffer portions, but for design point of view it is not acceptable always so its allowable stress is
higher for that particular local portion
1) Shells with discontinuities due to internal pressure, like near nozzles or other opening
2) Transition joint like Shell to head, Cone to shell, Head to skirt, Shell to stiffening ring
3) Discontinuity at Support lug, beam support, attachment.
4) Due to Nozzle external attachment.

c) Primary bending stress, Pb

• It is due to design pressure or by other mechanical loads through the thickness

1) Centre portion of flat head or crown portion of dished end.
2) Shallow conical head
3) Close spaced opening.


Source: PRESSURE VESSEL DESIGN MANUAL – By Dennis R. Moss Michael Basic

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