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Social media marketing: Jazz Pakistan uses platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to
connect with customers and share information about their latest products and offers.

 Email marketing: The company sends out regular emails to subscribers, highlighting new
services and special deals.
Options available to jazz Pakistan regarding email marketing. There are several techniques
available for marketing tech the following can be used by jazz Pakistan.
 For automation: “ACTIVE campaign” software can be used by Jazz Cash to make the
remaining balance notification of a customers account more efficient and up to date.
 For product and services information: “ Mailchimp” tool can be used in order to better
manage product information. This tool will allow them to better manage their customer
by not only attracting their attention through their mobile number but E-mails as well.
 Search engine optimization: Jazz Pakistan optimizes its website to improve its visibility
on search engines like Google, making it easier for customers to find the company online.
 Upon analysing jazz’s presence on google. We have concluded that they need to improve
their web presence immensely. As their competitors are more involved in gaining
attraction of prospects through google.
One example to show the effect of their position on google is shown in thee figure below.

We personally believe that a brands positioning on the left generally gains more attention
by users then the option available on the far right. There is an opportunity for jazz to
improve their positioning on google to be able to compete with their competitors and
catch more eyes.

 Online advertising: The company uses platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook
Ads to target specific audiences and reach new customers.
 Influencer marketing: Jazz Pakistan partners with popular social media influencers to
promote their services to their followers.
 After thoroughly studying advertisement pattern of jazz on digital media. We have
noticed a pattern/trend that jazz needs to keep up with. As trends on digital media
changes on minute basis, therefore jazz has to tone down their ads featuring “Esra bilgic”.
The reasoning behind this analogy is based on their new targeted audience “17-35”.This
age bracket usually has a greater presence on youtube, Instagram, Snapchat and twitter
where as facebook is considered as boomers application, therefore using influencers to
promote their brand will help them in attaining and retaining this age bracket in a better
manner. Such advertisement idea can be taken into consideration as the same concept was
adopted by Zong “lets get digital” marketing campaign to attract younger and older
generation through one ad, featuring “Ali Zafar(singer/actor) & Daniyal

Overall, Jazz Pakistan's digital marketing efforts aim to increase brand awareness and drive
customer acquisition, helping to grow the company's customer base and revenue.

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