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Right then he saw a bakery. Inside he was greeted with a frown among the worker's face. Leo shrugged it off. "Good morning Sir, can | have a piece of those bread?” he asked. "These are 2 dollars for 5 slices” the man replied’ have 5 slices then’. ‘Ashe was waiting for the bread, a guy came inside the bakery. "sir, can I please atleast have alice of bread. these pennies are all that | have" the guy asked at the counter. "Not you again. Nol you dirty rat. Go away" theold man shouted. Then the guy left and Leo paid for the slices of bread Leo ran after the poor guy and gave him 3 slices of bread from the ones he bought. "Why, aren't you hungry? this is your bread, why would you give these to me?” the guy asked. still have some left for me, and you were also hungry, so | want to ive these to you. My mother always taught me that | should help those people in need with what | can when I'm capable of doing so” Leo replied. ‘After months of staying in the village, Leo became respected by everyone. That's when Leo decided to stay in the village. "| ‘want to help these people. | want to stay here and see them ‘grow." Leo said. After a year, he was titled as the new leader of Hunton. A man that came from the outside world that helped the village stand back up and live together with unity Leo met a beautiful woman living inside the village. After a year, they married each other and had 2 boys and a gir. At the ‘age of 67, Leo passed and the title of the leader was passed to his second son who is known to be smart and kind to everyone. In the end the village became stable and Leo was respected by everyone. The villagers also built him a statue made of stone where his legacy is written. Until today, in a small village among the forest, where people strive for unity. Stands a statue made of stone which belongs to a man named Leo. Seeing the sight, he reminisced of what he and his Mother used to do when he wasa child, Since he was younger Leo only lived with his Mother named Marita as his father Fernando died in an accident before he was born, His parents, Used to live in luxury because his father, Fernando came from a rich family. But even before they were married to each other, Fernando's parents did not like Marita at all. So,when Fernando died, Marita had nowhere to go. But she ‘was determined to take care of their child so she worked in a factory while living ina small house enough for her and Leo. Fortunately, whenever she's out at work, the house owner of the place they lve in takes care of Leo.But when Leo grew to, be a kid, things didn't go well for him and his mother. That afternoon, everyone gathered infront of the green house. "Everyone! lam Leo, | am an explorer and Ihave thought of something everyone can do tohelp the village grow. Outside this village is a forest full of nature. There, lives animals we can breed, and plants for us to eat. We can use the resources from the trees to build houses too! for the ones that lost theirs. With the help of everyone we can grow together and we can help each other. Who's in on it?". A deafening silence went on for seconds, until one man. shouted "I want to help too!” and everyone looked. Leo turned his head and was surprised to recognize the man. It ‘was the Baker Man he metnot long ago. “Me too! | want to see the village lively again like my mom told me it used to be. We might not be sure if this will work but it’s better for us to give it a try” another man shouted. Being brought back to present, Leo continued to walk through the village. Seeing the village, he realized how many people are in the streets suffering from the cold wind while staying on the dirty streets starving, and without a shelter to stay in, He wassaddened by the sight. When he finally arrived at the green house he was greeted by an old woman. She was nice and smiled at him. "Welcome young man, what is it that you're here for?" she asked. "I heard this is a place where | can stay in for shelter, is that true?" "Yes, young man, please feel free to come inside. Here is your room, you can leave your bag here and then take a bath after." "Thanks ma'am’ Leo says, showing his thanks to the kind woman, When he left his room after cleaning up, he saw the old ‘woman at the table, "Please sit down, "the old woman asks Leo, "What is your name, young man? Where did you came from?" "Im Leo, I'm an explorer. I came across ths village while | was lost in the forest looking for shelter, "Leo responded. "Nice to meet you, 'm Hannah and I'm the caretaker ofthis house” "Pleasure to meet you too, can | ask? ‘what is this place and where am I?” Leo curiously asked. "The small village you are staying at right now is called Hunston, we used to be a lively community where people lived with Unity. But when our leader unfortunately passed, people went against each other as to who's going tobe the next leader of the village.” “One day a strong storm hit us and a lot of homes were destroyed. Because of the storm, fields got destroyed too and ‘one day, when it was about to storm hard, my husband Felix ‘went out to get his harvests and put them inside. When he went to get the last ones, the storm finally

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