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5th Avenue, Ledesco Village, La Paz, Iloilo City Score

1 Quarter Examination

October 1, 2021 Parent’s



I. Put if the sentence expresses self-development and X if not. Put the answer on
the space provided.
1. ______ Practice daily to develop the skill.
2. ______ Open to learn new things.
3. ______Always shy to show abilities.
4. ______ Participates in activities that can showcase th e skills.
5. ______ Aims to win the contest without proper practice.
6. ______ Appreciate God given ability.
7. ______ Prioritize things that do not help in developing the skills.
8. ______Believes that success happens if you strived and improve your skills.
9. ______ Afraid to make mistakes.
10. ______ Being grateful for the abilities.
II. Draw if the statement tells about proper care for the body and if
not . Write the answer on the space provided.

_______11. Eating healthy foods.

_______12. Taking a bath every day.
_______13. Playing dirty things.
_______14. Brushing the teeth once a day.
_______15. Sleeping early.
_______16. Wearing dirty things.
_______17. Playing under the rain.
_______18. Combing hair to remove dirt.
_______19. Having a daily exercise.
_______20. Drinking a glass of milk.
III. Draw a if the statement describes a child that follow the household rules
and if not.

21. _______Waking up in the right time.

22. _______Leaving the house without asking permission.
23. _______ Watching television all day.
24. _______ Eat on time.
25. _______Fixing the bed after waking up.
26. _______Leaving the toys scattered in the living room.
27. _______Eating on the table.
28. _______Screaming and shouting inside the house.
29. _______Wearing shoes inside the house.
30. _______ Using polite words when talking.

IV. Draw 5 things that are used to maintain a healthy hygiene.

V. Complete the following bible verse.

Parents Ephesians Right Children Lord

___________________ 1:6
“ _____________________ obey your
_________________, in the________________for this
is ______________ ”

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