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Social Science Research, Dec 2022

Learn How to Perform Under Pressure

Lee Bih Ni
Faculty of Psychology and Education
University of Malaysia Sabah

This paper discusses exams that put pressure on students to perform well. They are
fully aware that a few hours in the exam hall can determine the course of their lives.
Their parents' high expectations for the future and competition from peers add to
the pressure. It's no wonder that schools are reporting an increase in students
needing help with stress management these days. Obviously, tests and exams are a
challenging part of school life, for both children and parents. And Asian families have
been singled out for putting undue pressure on children, especially during crucial
exam years. Asian families have high academic expectations and the attitude they
show their children is achievement driven. Exams are emphasized because of their
ability to measure a child's current achievement and natural ability to succeed.

Keywords: Stress, Performance, Examination, Study

Those who dismiss the pressure of young Malaysians on national exams are missing
the point of the argument, which is that it is true. Young Malaysians preparing for
the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), which starts tomorrow, have a lot to say about
exam pressure. People can't sleep very much because they think about SPM all the
time. I'm so afraid I'm going to disappoint my parents,” was a typical sentiment. It
does them no good when patronizing adults tell them to get over it. With the
advantage of experience, many adults will say that exams are not the be-all and
end-all. They will say that it won't be the end of the world if you don't live up to
other people's expectations and that there will be plenty of other opportunities to
pursue your chosen career. And far more pressing experiences and times await you.
This advice does not mean anything to young Malaysians who are preparing for the
SPM, the penultimate public examination at the secondary school level before higher
education at a university or institution of higher learning. The Malaysian Higher
School Certificate Examination (STPM) is the last public examination at the secondary
school level.

There's nothing wrong with parents and schools wanting their charges to do well in
exams, as long as expectations are realistic. It is natural for parents to motivate their
children to be high achievers but it becomes an issue when over-achieving and
perfection are recognized as the only form of self-worth and success. A quality that
does not lead to these results is not worth celebrating. That puts a lot of physical
and mental pressure on children. The whole atmosphere not only creates anxiety but
also reduces students' ability to perform academically, in addition to eroding their
confidence and self-worth. Placing too much emphasis on exams by school
administrators, teachers, parents and students creates unnecessary barriers to
educating our children. Instead of teaching children the necessary skills, we teach
them to succeed in tests and exams. Students should not be judged by their
performance under pressure but by their dedication, hard work and appreciation of
the learning process. Congratulations to those who sat the SPM (NST, 2015).

Social Science Research, Dec 2022

Caring Teachers Help Make Online Learning Successful

Virtual learning is now the norm for students because the Covid-19 pandemic has
changed the world. The older generation who used to teach the traditional way, had
to update our technology about online teaching and learn how to use Zoom and
Microsoft Teams. The sudden change to digital teaching and learning has affected us
all, causing anxiety and stress, and raising questions about education and the future
of academia. Online learning and teaching can be frustrating and frustrating, but we
have to adapt and move forward . Although online learning has its advantages, for
example, students can study at a scheduled time, it also comes with challenges.
Some students cannot afford a laptop or computer. They may not have access to the
Internet and if they do, there must be a poor connection. And they may not have a
conducive learning environment ( Leela, 2021) .

To overcome these challenges, what is needed is passion, creativity and innovative

ideas. A good example is a student from Sabah, who went to the top of a tree to get
a good connection. A student in a village in India volunteered to help sweep the
grounds of a temple so he could use the wi-fi there to study. For teachers, there is
no age limit to learn. They can learn from peers and take professional development
classes. What is needed is a change in behavior with support from management,
friends and family, and a willingness to learn. Structured teaching and advice on
blended learning, support groups and networks to learn new technologies will
motivate them. Therefore, teachers need to show compassion and flexibility to
students. Teach them well and help them manage distractions and stress. However,
virtual learning creates barriers to communication. It is difficult for teachers to read
students' body language during virtual learning. Some may be embarrassed to ask
during class. Students should bring their concerns to the teacher. There are many
apps that allow students and teachers to communicate on their own time. Virtual
meeting rooms, where teachers and students can chat, help foster interaction (
Leela, 2021) .

Teachers should create opportunities to see or hear their students' voices by asking
them to turn on videos and ask questions between lectures. Another solution is to
engage students by using different teaching modes such as PowerPoint teaching,
video presentations and quizzes to break the monotony of one-way teaching.
Teachers should communicate with students during and after virtual office hours.
Caring, empathy and compassion will bridge the gap between teachers and students
and build relationships. Teachers should keep in touch with them and get feedback
for improvement. They should also provide feedback on the student's weaknesses
and strengths. Meanwhile, there will be a loss of the bond between teachers and
students online. To overcome this, forums, video conferences, seminars and
webinars can help. When it comes to virtual learning, let's not forget that parents
also play an important role in their children's education. They need to provide tools
and a conducive learning environment for them. Virtual dialogue sessions or focus
group discussions between parents and teachers about the challenges of online
learning can overcome those barriers.

Exams Are Not Everything

Stress, anxiety, stress and panic attacks are the terms commonly used to describe
the distress of students who are sitting for major exams. It is not the anticipation of
answering difficult exam questions that creates this great stress, but the strong
desire to do well that makes students so tense and tense. In such circumstances,
many students make mistakes that significantly affect their results. A recent case

Social Science Research, Dec 2022

involved the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) English language paper. In one of the
essay options, students were asked: “If you had the chance to move to another part
of Malaysia, where would you choose to live? Explain your choice.” Apparently, some
students wrote about living in another country. The questions are simple, structured
and the tasks given are also very clear. It is a valid and fair question because it
focuses on the local context that the candidate is familiar with. Hypothetically, it
would be unfair if students were required to write about other countries when most
of them are considered to have little information about living abroad. The best
approach is to localize the topic, unless the subject of living abroad is in the syllabus
(Wan Norliza, 2017).

It's sad that students continue to make stupid but costly mistakes like this. Read the
question carefully. Teachers and parents have reminded them many times to
understand the question first, or break it down into its main components, before
trying to answer it. Having gone through various tests and exams before sitting for
SPM, students should know what is required of them. Mistakes are made, in many
cases, due to over-enthusiasm, lack of preparation or loss of concentration caused
by factors such as poor health. Although stress and shock are not components of
academic training, these elements are present in all examinations. Previously,
students only had to master the level of "remember" and "understand" to get a score
in the exam. However, in order to improve their critical thinking skills, students now
need to apply, analyze, evaluate and create these levels that indicate higher level
thinking skills (Wan Norliza, 2017).

Having been involved in the education sector for a long time, be aware that the
process of preparing exam papers is a thorough process. Examiners need to follow
specific guidelines, rubrics and measurement mechanisms to ensure that questions
are well organized according to various cognitive and taxonomic levels. An answer
scheme is provided to ensure consistency while correcting answer scripts and in
allocating marks. Examiners also need to look at additional but relevant factual
information that students present in their essays, based on their own reading and
self-study. It is not an exaggeration to say that examiners spend a lot of time
formulating questions appropriately to meet the learning outcomes of a particular
course. A lot of time was spent refining the questions to ensure validity in terms of
accuracy to measure student proficiency. A student's learning and study time on a
particular topic should also be taken into account when preparing and allocating
marks for questions.

The time allocated for students to answer questions also needs to be calibrated. For
example, a multiple-choice question (MCQ) with four one-word answers to choose
from might be allotted half a minute. Students will need more time to answer MCQs
with all correct options written in full sentences. This category of questions is usually
more difficult and requires more than half a minute to answer. Examiners do not
create questions to confuse or deceive, but to test competence according to the
study objectives and set standards. The public examination system is one of the
mechanisms to measure student achievement in relation to the learning outcomes of
courses that have been set and national policy. In this aspect, SPM is an important
thing. But, exams are not the answer to everything. There are many people who did
not do well in school but have become very successful in life. This, however, is not
an excuse for students not to strive for excellence, because good results open the
door to many opportunities in life. There is a saying that goes: "Success is 90
percent hard work and 10 percent intelligence". For some people, a little luck is also

Social Science Research, Dec 2022

important. Despite this reality, many parents and students think that scoring straight
A's in exams paves the way to success. But, creativity, good communication skills,
talent, passion, hard work, perseverance, determination and positive attitude can
make us successful in life too.

The book "The Science of Stress and How Our Emotions Affect Our Susceptibility to
Burnout and Disease" by Kelly McGonigal is a comprehensive guide that explores the
latest research on stress and its effects on our physical and emotional well-being.
This book covers the latest scientific findings on the physiology of stress, how stress
affects the body, and how to harness the power of stress to improve overall health
and well-being. One of the main findings of this book is that stress can have both
negative and positive effects on our health, depending on how we perceive it. This
book shows that when we see stress as a challenge, rather than a threat, it can
actually increase our resilience and ability to perform under pressure. Additionally,
the book covers the importance of social support and the emotional impact of stress.
The book also includes practical strategies for learning how to perform under
pressure and avoid burnout. It provides tips for managing stress, such as
mindfulness, relaxation techniques and exercise, as well as strategies for developing
a positive mindset and building resilience. Overall, this book aims to provide a better
understanding of the science of stress and how our emotions affect our susceptibility
to fatigue and illness, and to empower readers to harness the power of stress to
improve their physical and emotional well-being (McGonigal, 2013).

"Peak Performance: Raise Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New
Science of Success" is a book written by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness, published
in 2016. This book provides a comprehensive guide to achieving peak performance in
any of your areas. life. It covers the psychological and physiological factors that
contribute to stress and burnout, and offers strategies for learning how to perform
under stress and achieve your goals. One of the key findings of this book is that
there is a difference between "good stress" and "bad stress", and that good stress is
necessary for peak performance. The book explains that good stress is the kind of
stress that motivates and energizes us, while bad stress is the kind of stress that
drains and exhausts us. This book teaches how to identify and cultivate good stress
while avoiding bad stress. The book also covers the importance of rest and recovery
in achieving peak performance, and how to balance training and rest for optimal
performance. It also offers practical strategies for developing mental and emotional
resilience, such as mindfulness, visualization and goal setting. Additionally, the book
provides insight into how to create the optimal environment for peak performance,
including tips for optimizing nutrition, sleep and physical activity. Overall, this book
aims to empower readers to achieve peak performance in their personal and
professional lives by providing a comprehensive understanding of the science of
success and strategies for learning how to perform under pressure and thrive
(Stulberg, & Magness, 2016).

Based on the research and literature reviewed, it can be concluded that learning how
to perform under pressure is an important skill to achieve success in personal and
professional life. Stress can have both negative and positive effects on our health
and performance, depending on how we perceive it. When stress is seen as a
challenge, rather than a threat, it can increase our resilience and ability to perform
under pressure. Effective stress management strategies, such as mindfulness,
relaxation techniques, and exercise, can help individuals cope better with stress and

Social Science Research, Dec 2022

perform under pressure. In addition, developing a positive mindset, building

resilience and fostering social support can also be effective in managing stress and
improving performance under pressure. Another important aspect of performance
under pressure is balancing training and rest for optimal performance, and creating
an optimal environment for peak performance, including optimizing nutrition, sleep
and physical activity. It is also important to note that achieving peak performance is
not about working harder, but working smarter, and understanding the difference
between "good stress" and "bad stress". "Good stress" is the kind of stress that
motivates and energizes us, while "bad stress" is the kind of stress that drains and
exhausts us.

Leela Anthony. (2021). Caring teachers help make online learning a success. Kuala
Lumpur: Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University

McGonigal, K. (2013). The Science of Stress and How Our Emotions Affect Our
Susceptibility to Burnout and Disease. Avery Publishing Group.

NST. (November 25, 2015). Dealing with exam stress. Kuala Lumpur: NST

Stulberg, B., & Magness, S. (2016). Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid
Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success. Rodale Books.

Wan Norliza Wan Mustapha. (2017). Under immense pressure: Exams are not
everything. Shah Alam: Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi Mara.

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