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I, the undersigned blow:

Name : Febry Putri Kayanti

Class : X-MIA4

Assalamualaikum wr wb. I am Febry Putri Kayanti would like to

apologize to Ms. Hj. Rahmawati S.pd, for the mistakes i have made in the

subjects that you hold.

I have made the mistake of neglectiong the tasks that you gave me.

Where I was late in it difficult for mother. I am aware of this mistake and

promise not to repeat it again in the future. I am aware that a student

should follow all subjects according to predetermined schedule.

Once again, I want to apologize to you for the mistakes I have made,

and hope that you can help me and allow me to return to your lessons the

next day. May you always be in the protection of Allah SWT and remain

patient and patient in educating me and forgiving the mistakes that I have


Mataram, 02 December 2021

Febry Putri Kayanti

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