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From your current business experience, describe with actual example

one (1) specific subordinates’ performance or your personal

performance issue that you feel you should take action to ensure
continued smooth running of business.

Delegation is the one of my personal performance issues that I need to take action to
ensure continued smooth running of my business. Delegation needs courage to direct,
motivate, manage and give an order to the employee.

Delegation is a critical skill that I need to learn and improve. Theory and practical is a
different thing. You can read and learn 1000 ways theory in a book to learn how to delegate,
but when you want to delegate a task to employee, it will come with a thought that I can do
this task better than my employees, so why do I need to ask my employee to do the task. At
last, I just do the task by myself.

Delegation also needs a patience. Delegation not only you give an order or ask your
employee to do a task, but you need to wait for them to come, teach them how to do and
correcting them when they do the mistake. It needs time to teach. Different people have the
different understanding. To make someone or employee understand what you need, you just
need patience or the capacity to accept or tolerate.

My business involved logistic and installation of cabinet for example kitchen cabinet
and house furniture. I do various roles, from customer service, a marketer, administrator,
driver, installer and also managing the accounting of the business. I need to do all these
things by myself. At the beginning, I thought, I need an income hence I exhaust myself with
all the roles. It has been 2 years and I feel so exhausted. I finally realise that it needs a
delegation. I need to hire staff and accept the risk.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Indeed, there is
so much benefits or advantages of delegation. A lot of things that I can learn when practicing
delegation. If I want to grow my business, I need to hire staff. Business needs to grow.
Business need people to do the specific task. Nothing wrong with teaching and leading
people. All I need is patience and time. The more you give, the more you get.

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