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8/12/2019 The Chest Workout For Men Who Want To Build A Bigger Stronger And Wider Chest - GymGuider.


Why: The classic big lift for a bigger, stronger and wider chest.

How to:

Lie at on a bench holding a barbell with an overhand grip, hands
slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Plant your heels on the oor, tense your glutes and core, then lower
the bar to your chest and press it back up.

Sets: 5 Reps: 8 Rest: 60sec

Related article: De ne Your Delts With The Best Delt Exercises Devised

2. Cable cross-over:
Why: It isolates the chest muscles and hits the inner and outer sections of
the pecs.

How to: 2/6
8/12/2019 The Chest Workout For Men Who Want To Build A Bigger Stronger And Wider Chest -

Stand tall in the middle of a cable machine, holding a D-handle in each

hand attached to the high pulley.

With a slight bend in your elbows, bring your hands down and in so
they cross in front of your body.
Pause for a second, then reverse the move to the start.

Sets: 5 Reps: 12 Rest: 60sec

Related article: The Bulgarian Bag Workout That Builds Functional Fitness

And Impressive Full Body Muscle Growth

This superset is designed to work the upper, lower, inner and outer portions
of your pec muscles from a different angle so you recruit and then fatigue
fresher muscle bres, allowing you to make greater gains in less time. Keep
the weights sensible, especially for the incline dumbbell yes – it’s smarter
to go lighter with great form instead of inging too-heavy weights around.

3A. Incline dumbbell hammer press:

Why: The incline and this hand position work the chest in a different way for
greater gains.

How to:

Lie back on a incline bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand at

shoulder height with palms facing.
Press the weights up until your arms are straight, then lower them
back to the start.

Sets: 4 Reps: 12 Rest: 30sec 3/6
8/12/2019 The Chest Workout For Men Who Want To Build A Bigger Stronger And Wider Chest -

Related article: Chest And Triceps Superset Workout – Muscles to Grow


3B. Incline dumbbell ye:

Why: It works your upper and outer pecs to build a broader chest.

How to:

Lie back on an incline bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand with

arms straight and palms facing.
With your chest up and a slight bend in your elbows, lower the weights
out to the sides until you feel a good stretch across your chest, then
raise them back to the start.

Sets: 4 Reps: 12 Rest: 60sec

Related article: Muscle De ning Superset Shocker For Chest And Triceps

This nal superset is designed to fully fatigue the chest muscles in a safe
way so you end the session with a big chest pump and the maximum
amount of muscle tissue damage, which will be rebuilt bigger and stronger.

4A. Dumbbell pull-over:

Why: It works (and stretches) your chest in a unique way. 4/6
8/12/2019 The Chest Workout For Men Who Want To Build A Bigger Stronger And Wider Chest -

How to:

Lie at on a bench, holding a dumbbell above your chest in both

hands with straight arms.
Plant your feet on the oor, then, keeping your chest up and arms
straight, lower the weight behind your head in an arc until you feel a
good stretch in your lats.
Raise it back to the start position, keeping your arms straight

Sets: 3 Reps: 15 Rest: 30sec

Related article: Chest Workout : 3 Exercises To Target Inner Pecs

4B. Press-up:
Why: A great move to really blitz your chest in a safe and strategic way.

How to: 5/6

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