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1) Which are the main elements of the setting of the story?

There's the valley of the Ebro, on one side there was no shade, no trees and the
other side close to the station, a curtain made of strings of bamboo beads. There's
also the hills across the valley, which look like white elephants.

2) Summarize in your own words the theme of the story.

There is a couple and they are arguing about having or not an abortion. The man is
trying to convince the woman to have it, but the woman is reluctant about it.

3) When is there a change in the characters' dialogues? What does it refer to?
When the man talks about a "simple operation". It refers to abortion.'' and it refers to

4) Is there any symbolic relationship between the setting and the theme of the story?
Yes. The girl's will represents life and the man's will represents lifelessness, like the
sides of the valley.

5) Who are the main characters? Which are the characteristics that make them
belong to the 'lost generation' (the one between wars)?
A man called "The American", and a girl called Jig. They are drinking all the time. A
man, ''The American'', and a girl called Jig. They are drinking all the time in the story.

Milena Luiza da Silva Gois

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