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The Crazy Sprint

Mack and Chuck love to run and jog each day. They make a great team. On

one spring day, they split up to run on a long stretch of track. It was a great

match between the two boys, they were sprinting very fast! But then there was

a big gust of wind which split a branch in half. The branch fell onto the path, so

the boys had to stop and inch the branch from the path.

They began the run again but ran into a bunch of red ants on the path of

the home stretch. They had to shift past them but Chuck and Mack both felt a

pinch. What a shock! One ant got on Chuck and but him on the leg, another ant

got on Mack and but him on his back. They both began to itch. Mack began to

twist and stretch while trying to scratch the itch of the welt on his back.

At the end of the crazy run, they sat on a bench and had some lunch. They

must have a rest after running that crazy stretch.

1. Who makes a great team?


2. Why did the branch split in half?


3. Where did the ant bite Mack?


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