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Witch Switch

Mitch was on a hunt to catch a witch. The witch had the name Scritch.

She held a hatchet, and had a tan splotch on the nose. “Scritch is one bad

witch. She has tricks!” said Mitch.

Mitch had a sketchpad to sketch Scritch. “I will catch Scritch, the bad

witch, at dusk. She will not trick me,” said Mitch to his pal. Mitch was on a

witch hunt! He will not go home until Scritch is gone.

Mitch went to his shed to get a box. He had to unlatch the box to find a

witch-catching net. “I will find Scritch with my witch-catching net,” he said, “I

will get Scritch quick! No Scritch tricks!”

At dusk, Mitch did spot Scritch in the sky with a hatchet. But this Scritch did

not have a splotch on the nose like Mitch said. “Scritch?!” Mitch yelled. But it

was a witch switch! Scritch did trick Mitch, the trick was a switch! It was some

old witch, but it was not Scritch.

1. Who was on a witch hunt?


2. Where was the witch-catching net kept?


3. What trick did Scritch use?


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