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Common Questions and Answers

1. Opening/greetings
1. Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening
2. Welcome to Deus Temple Canggu / Deus Oberoi
3. My name is xxxx
4. Is there anything I can help with?
5. If you need assistance, please let me know.

2. Process

Questions Answers

1. Are there other sizes? 1. A. Currently stock with this size is not available/This
2. Are there any other size is out of stock.
designs? B. What size do you need? Let me find size …. for
3. Are there any other colors? you. Please wait a moment.
4. What is the difference 2. A. This design is currently unavailable
between classic and B. Let me find it for you.
graphics 3. A. This color is currently not available
B. I will find the ___ one for you.
4. Classic is a regular Deus product that is always
Meanwhile, Grafic is a seasonal Deus product that
will not be reproduced.
5. A. Currently the stock that is requested is not
B. Let me check first. Just a moment.

1. Do you need anything 1. A. I am good for now.

else? B. I will look at other products again.
2. Will you pay by card or 2. A. I will pay using cash/cash please
cash? B. I will pay by card/credit card please
3. If you don’t need anything 3. A. Please process them
else, we'll process your B. Can you please remove the price sticker? This is
items. for a gift.
3. Closing
1. Thank you for coming at Deus Ex Machina
2. Thank you for shopping with us.
3. Have a nice day.
4. If you have questions about the product, please contact our hotline or email us.
5. We also provide online and shipping services.
6. Thank You. See you again.

Watch this video and answer the questions below

1. How can Peggy do better when recommending items to customers?


2. Why is Peggy afraid to approach customers? Have you experienced this feeling?


3. How do you deal with it?


4. What would you do if you saw a crying child in the shop?


5. What are some weird experiences you have when working at Deus?


6. How similar is this video with your everyday work?


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