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JUSTIFYING GRACE 364 Because He Lives —" tne 1, God sent his Son, they calledhim Je - sus; 2, How sweet to hold a new-born ba - by, 3. And then one day Til cross the iv - er; _—_ — Rr ieee ae he came to love, heal, and for - give; and feel the pride and joy he* gives; Til fight life’s fi nal war with pain; ——__- | 2 = a Ph s a a a a he lived and died to buy my __ par - don, but great - er still the calm as - sur - ance, and then as death gives way to vic - tory, eae ee ae eS = Ts + — Fe t 1 \ ; t r SSS =a ad oe * ee anemp-ty grave isthere to prove my Sav-ior lives. thischild can face un-cer-tain days because he lives. Til sec the lights of glo-ry and T'll know he reigns. Ep BBB a oe Sea ae “Jesus WORDS: Gloria and William J. Gaither, 1971 RESURRECTION MUSIC: William J. Gaither, 1971 98.9 11 with Refrain © 1971 William. J. Gaither PARDON Refrain Be-cause he _ lives, I can face to - mor- row; —— be-cause he be-cause I he holds the worth the liv-ing just be-cause hi

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