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Survey Questionnaire on the Philosophy of Teaching of

Elementary Teachers ( Transition to Post-Covid Era)


Age: 28 Sex: FEMALE Religion: ALLIANCE Ethnicity: ILONGGO



Years in Service: 5 YEARS Position: T-I

Please complete the following questionnaire with specific regard to the

above enquiry, by stating the most truthful and honest answer:


1.Describe the best learning The best learning experience I have

experience you have had as a had as a student was when our
student. teacher introduce us to ha ns-on
activities and projects, we are more
likely to imply them. Because we
have more we energy, this was a
good use of it. We learned more
effectively when we are free to move
around and be creative, Our lives will
not always be pen 0n paper or is best to get us student to
explore the world using the skills we
learned and to strengthen our
understanding of daily life, which is
sometimes hidden from us and
suddenly revealed to us once we
become adults.
2.Describe the best teaching Teaching should done with passion.
experience you have had as an As a teacher became a bridge that
instructor. connects with a student with the true
potential and helps them to achieve
their hopes and inspirations. True
education should not only clear all the
academic concepts an should let
students know about doubts but also
should et students know about the
practical implications in real world
scenarios who,why what where and
when should always be in focus an
most be emphasized.Independent
Critica thinking life skills and the
ability to contribute to society
is an ethical way should always be

I strive to use a student-centered

3.What are you trying to achieve in your approach in my teaching,which my
students with tour teaching? students are treated as the most
significant individuals.I support my
students as an advocate,facilitator and
encourager. I foster an atmosphere
where students feel free to share their
thoughts and ask
questions.Additionally,provide my
students comments on their academic
progress and motivate them to keep
4.Why is this important to you? It is important to me because it
encourages students to use their abilities
and interests to engage in their own
learning.This method equips students for
life after school by incorporating their
interest and skillsThey gain the abilities
necessary for success after graduation
and for societal contribution..

5.How do you achieve your objectives I can achieve my objectives in

you wrote down for question #3 above? developing and advancing the academic
growth of my students.My students will
be able t express what they need to
know and show proficiency in achieving
the learning objectives.

6.Why do you use these particular I chose t employ the student-centered

teaching strategies as opposed to others approach out of all the various teaching
that rae available to you? strategies because I wanted t emphasize
to them the value of information,using
the right teaching strategy makes
lessons more engaging and mitivates
students to actively engage with the
material and advance their knowledge
and abilities.

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