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Assembly Script
Theme: Christmas
Meera: Hi, sorry we are late. We missed
the bus, and.. here are the cookies you
asked me to bring.
Maana: That’s what you bought… they
look so cheap.
Meera: No actually me and my and my
son baked these together.
Maana: Well, first you show up late for
my Christmas party, then you bring
those. Good thing, I already bought the
cookies. Each one is handmade by
award winning pastry chefs. They cost
Rs. 800 a cookie.
Jia: Wow, these look delicious.
Narrator -Alekhya ‘ After the poor woman
was completely humiliated by the rich
lady, the group proceeded to the Dining
room to play a game of Secret Santa.’

Maana: Alright everyone, it is now time

to play Secret Santa
Jia: Okay, I go first. I pick… this one
(picks up a package).
Maana: Good choice, this one was from
Jia : Oh wow, it’s a crystal ornament.
Thank you.
Maana: It’s Swarovski… I know we kept a
Rs. 2000 limit, but who really followed
that. Now it’s my chance. I pick… this
Meera: Won’t you rather pick another
Maana: No I already chose. It’s a…a
handmade ornament. I looks like
someone spent less than a dollar in
buying its raw materials. Let me guess
who got this… you (pointing to woman 1)
Meera: Yes, me and my son painted this.
But, if you don’t like it then you can
always trade it with…
Maana: No. I don’t want anyone else to
get stuck with this.
Alekhya: The rich woman was proud of
her wealth, and like every year had
bought expensive Christmas presents.
Also, she was really excited about the
gifts she had selected for her son.

Maana: (Giving gifts to her son) Here you

go Johann. These are your Christmas
Johann: Thank you Mom. I hope that one
of these has what I asked for.
Maana: (Looking towards Boy 2) Didn’t
your mother bring you any presents for
Christmas, Rishhit.
Rishhit: Well…
Meera: (Bringing a small package to Boy
2) Merry Christmas my son.
Risshit: (Holding the package) Thank
you Mom.
Maana: Seriously, that is what you got
him, how cheap!
Meera: (Ignoring Woman 2) I know it’s
not much but I hope you like it.
Rishhit: Like it, I love it. Thank you so
much Mom, this is a great present.
Maana: (Talking to Boy 2) You know you
don’t have to lie. You can tell her you
hate them.
Meera: Would you excuse us for a
second… (now looking at woman 2) I
believe you don’t really understand what
the holidays are about, do you?
Maana: Excuse me…
(There is an interruption caused by few
Parth: (Talking to Woman 1) We love
your cookies.
Aditya: Yes we love them. Do you have
any more of them with you.
Meera: No, but if you want I can bake
some more and send them to you.
Aditya: Thank you that would be really
Maana: Uhm, did you try any of the
cookies I bought, they are over there at
the table.
Parth: Oh, those ones. No one is eating
them. They are gross.

Jia: (Looking at woman 2), Do you still

have that handmade ornament with you.
Maana: Yes I do, but why do you ask?
Jia: I was wondering if we could
exchange presents. That one looks like
the ornaments that my mother used to
make for our Christmas tree. I really liked
Maana: Alright if you would rather have a
a cheap handmade ornament rather than
a Crystal one.
Jia: Yes, thank you.

Johann: I can’t believe you didn’t get me

a PS5.
Maana: Well I thought that since you
already have a PS4, you didn’t need a
PS5. Also, it was out of stock. But, I am
really sorry. I will get you one as soon as
I can.
Johann: This is seriously the worst
Christmas ever.
Meera: Here’s some advice, it is not
about how much money you spend. It’s
about how much love you give. It was
nice to see you. Merry Christmas.

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