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When performing cardio exercises, you are chiefly working your heart and

circulatory system. So, when you perform any exercises that place strain on your
heart and cardiovascular system leading them to work harder than usual, you are
performing cardiovascular activity.  
Scientifically speaking, any exercise that raises the heart rate up to 50 - 75% of your
maximum heart rate is considered to be cardio. The pounding that you feel in your
chest when you are working out is a sign that you are working your cardiovascular
Some examples of aerobic exercises include: 

 Running or jogging medium to long distances 

 Brisk walking 
 Swimming 
 Cycling 
 Stair climbing
 Dancing
 Kickboxing 
Cardio exercises can be performed at the gym or at home, and have a huge range
of health and fitness benefits, making them a vitally important part of your
workouts, and of your everyday life.

Luke Hughes (2021). Cardio & Aerobic Exercise: Benefits, Risks and Frequency.

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