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Activity 2 - Decision Making Process

Name: Mark Anthony R. Supiter

I. Decision - Making Scenario

Contagious disease.

You wake up on a Saturday morning with congestion, a sore throat, and a cough. You’re pretty sure you
have a cold, and your family agrees. You have plans for later that day to attend a party to celebrate your
best friend Jamal’s birthday. You know that the party is important to Jamal, and that your attendance
will mean a lot to him. After a bowl of soup for lunch, you’re feeling pretty good - except for your sore
throat. You have noticed that your nose has started to run. While you’re washing your bowl, the phone
rings. It’s Jamal. What decision do you have to make?

1. State the problem. I have a contagious disease but I need to go to my bestfriend’s birthday party.

2. List your options.

Option A) I will go to the hospital.

Option B) I will go to Jamal’s birthday party.

3. List the outcomes of each option. List the positive and negative outcomes of each option.

Positive Negative
A. People won’t get caught up with my disease A. I will miss a lot of fun and my best friend will
and I will have check-up and medications to not be disappointed in me for not showing up in one
prolong my disease. of his important days in life.
B. I will have a great day with my best friend and B. My best friend and other people in the party
other people in the party and we’ll have a lot of will be infected with my disease and I will not get
good memories together. checked up and medications to get rid of this
4. State any human factors or values that might influence your decision. For each of the choices listed
above, ask yourself the following questions:

● Would this decision adversely affect my health or the health of others?

My decision will definitely affect my health and other people so I should be careful into choosing
the right one. The one that benefits other’s health and my health in a good way.

● Is this decision safe for others and me?

I need to make sure that there are no danger into partaking and choosing my own decision. I
should consider safety and health and not let others affected badly. My decision should be safe.

● Will this decision get me in trouble?

I also need to make sure that I won’t get into trouble into choosing my decision. I need to figure
out good alternatives and consequences into partaking each decision so my decision won’t get me into
5. Choose the best option. Option A. I will go to the hospital.

6. Evaluate you decision. Are you happy with the outcome of your decision. If you were in a similar
situation in the future, would you make the same choice?

I am happy with my decision. I may not get fun and entertainment with it, but at least it is the
most beneficial and practical. I will get medical check-ups and medications earlier and will not prolong
the disease any longer. Moreover, my best friend Jamal, and other people in the party won’t get
infected with my disease. So, if I were in a similar situation in the future, I will make the same choice
over and over.

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