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Week 01 - My university class sessions: then and now

Trabajo como parte del curso de INGLES IV


1.Sergio Álvarez Toledo

2. Martha Medina Sandoval

3.Carbajal conde, Yorman Eduardo


Lima, 15 de enero de 2023

My university class sessions: then and now

Sergio: When I started to study in UTP, I was to the campus lima Centro. I
Studied at night after the work. It was in 2018 before the pandemic. Now and
during the pandemic I started to study in way virtually. Several things change, I
had to learn to use new technologies like zoom, Canva, between else.
I think study in virtual is much better for me, because I spend less money than
before, I can save money that I used for the transport.
Martha: In my opinion, all changed due the pandemic, I got used to use the
laptop and new technology. It is easier study now than before because I have
all resource in Canvas platform and the classes are recorded.
Yorman: I learned to use zoom program for connect to my remote classes. It
was so difficult. In my opinion face to face study is better than virtual study
because I don’t use very well the technologies, although now I have more time
because I can to study in my free time. For example, I can listen the English
class while I am dinner.

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