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Part 1: The twist Chapter 1: Among Humans According to the conversation I had with my boss, my new

job was to monitor the flow of information within the company. My education and experience was valuable, he
said. And within the first year, it was a good chance that I will be promoted. Well, I'm happy, of course.
Knowing too much about your colleagues is no blessing. Not that I'm a nosy type. Anyway, a new job, good
people working together, promotions, everything's right. Until I realize the true purpose of my new job. I
feel something that I can't put into words. Ridiculously, I'm increasingly attracted to my co-workers. It's not as if
I feel attracted to every human beings. Obviously, I don't know her well. We are both new employees of the
same company. She's an executive assistant. Her job to copy memos and other data for the parent company. I
often watch her from the distance. In either case, we are not in the same work area. I can't see her from the
kitchen or the pantry. It's not like a dream, or like seeing her from across the street. Real, in the same area.
She's often seen holding several papers, either in her hand, or on the desk. I found this weird at first, but given
that she was a workaholic type, she must have been working non-stop for a week. Well, this is my job, I
should be observing it. Specifically, to see that she is carrying on a normal work, she's not evading documents
like some ministers. I mean, who does that? All week, I keep a close eye on her office. And soon I notice too
many things. First, I don't know how to explain it, but she's always with a large cup of coffee. One she showed
me to prove that she wasn't skipping her office. The cup is always hot. Surely, she's a coffee addict. Second,
she's always coming and going from the office. She comes early, but most of the time, she leaves early. I don't
mean 2 pm, or 2:30 pm. Seven, eight, nine pm. It's not unreasonable, but it's almost half day, which is why I find
it odd. Third, she's always busy with piles of papers and files. Piles of blue-backed files that she has on her
desk. Fourth, she can often hear her muttering to herself.

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