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Note : Dalam presentasi pemilihan volcabulary tidak perlu terlalu kompleks, karena disini kita
berniat untuk sharing hasil penelitian kita atau pengetahuan kita. Oleh karena itu, penyampaian
harus semenarik mungkin untuk menarik perhatian penonton. 
Berikut merupakan saran dalam membuat presentasi yang baik 
1. Buat penonton bisa membayangkan apa yang kita jelaskan 
2. Saat menjelaskan jangan membelakangi penonton
3. Harus yakin sama yang kamu jelasin, jangan ragu-ragu. Percaya diri aja dulu walaupun salah,
4. Gunakan body language
5. Bacanya jangan cepet , santai aja

6. a-i-u-e-o nya yang jelas jangan kayak bergumam

Script dibawah cuman prototype, bisa kalian ganti
Script tidak perlu 100% hafal, nanti bisa sambil baca. tapi jangan 100% baca juga

Slide 1 - Pembukaan (Reza)

Note : Perkenalkan kalian kelompok berapa dan akan membahas tentang apa
Slide 2 - Perkenalan (Everyone)
Note : Nanti perkenalin setiap anggotanya dan cukup sebut nama panggilan aja gaperlu nama
Slide 3 - Latar Belakang 
Script : 
Have you ever felt that your life is not as it should be? That you’re not smart enough, you don’t have
much friends, your friends have more money than you, or you feel that you’re not good at anything
you do. These dissatisfactions could lower your self-esteem, which can cause a significant impact on
almost everything you do. (Isa)

Inferiority that you feel toward others can cause you to do some self-harm, such as self-loathing and
“Why can’t I be as smart as her? Why am I always fails on every exam? Why can’t I do better than
Such dangerous thoughts will destroy your mental health slowly but surely. (Nadin)

Slide 4 - Social Media Effect

Script :
Social media made it worse. It makes you think that if you want to achieve happiness you need to
have great experiences constantly, great relationships, be attractive, and have a lot of friends.
Multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for
depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. (Isa)

If you spend more time on social media when you’re feeling down, lonely, or bored, you may be
using it as a way to distract yourself from unpleasant feelings. (Daffa)

Slide 5 - Research Studies on Dissatisfaction (Reza)

Script :
Scientists start to think, why are there people who are happier than others? And what did they done
right to achieve it? And how do we apply it to others? In this presentation we want to talk about one
of the biggest predictors of how happy people are, how easily they make friends, and how good they
are in dealings with hardships.
(transisi ke slide 6)
The antidote to dissatisfaction so to speak, GRATITUDE

Slide 6 - Gratitude (Reza)

Script :
Psychologists find that, over time, feeling grateful boosts happiness and fosters both physical and
psychological health, even among those already struggling with mental health problems. (Reza)

Even more, studies show that practicing gratitude curbs the use of words expressing negative
emotions and shifts inner attention away from such negative emotions as resentment and envy,
minimizing the possibility of depression. (Isa) 

Slide 7 - The Effects of Gratitude

Script :
I know we all have our own insecurities. Maybe you don’t have a lot of friends or you’re not good at
studying. This might made you unmotivated and unhappy. But…, have you ever feel grateful for the
things you already have? Like having a loving family, enough money, or having a best friend. Have
you ever realized that you’re actually already full of happiness? (Reza)

People who are grateful feel less pain, less stress, suffer insomnia less, have stronger immune
systems, experience healthier relationships, and do better academically and professionally. Overall it
can boost both your mental and your physical health. (Nadin)

Slide 8 - Happiness After Crisis

Script : 
Life can feel amazing after a crisis is over, the smallest things can be a bottomless source of joy. From
being able to eat to sitting on a chair while laughing together with a friend. Our brain will remember
the hard times when we were in a crisis and will react with gratitude when our life is slightly better
than before. (Reza)
So in a nutshell, gratitudes refocuses your attention to the good things you have and the
consequences of this shift is better feelings and more positives experiences. (Isa)
Slide 9 - Solution
Script :
we all differ in the degree to which we are inclined to experience and express gratitude. It can be
something as simple as a healthy spring shower, just because the rain washes everything clean.
Engaging in a more specific act, such as volunteering to help others, makes people feel good about
themselves. (Nadin) 
These are the tips that can help you feel more gratitude : (Kalila)
1. Keep a journal of or in some way note big and little joys of daily life.
2. Write down "three good things"—identify three things that have gone well for you and
identify the cause.
3. Write thank-you notes to others.
4. Think about people who have inspired you and what about them was most significant.
5. Engage in "mental subtraction." Imagine what your life would be like if some positive event
had not occurred.

Slide 10 - Conclusions
Script : (Nadin)
The conclusions of our presentation are :

note : hapus poin ke 1, 2, dan 4

Slide 11 - Reference
Script : (Kalila)
This presentation is powered by on one of Kurzgesagt’s videos about human psychology called An
Antidote to Dissatisfaction, which based on various scientific work and studies.
Slide 12 - Ending (Reza)
Note : Baca ppt aja

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