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Put more language to learn

All we can say is that the practice makes perfect. When organizations put a new
language into the daily business of their employees by asking them to speak a new
language to each other at the appropriate opportunity will make them learn more
about other languages. That way, it can help them in the future. Even though this will
take time and employers will have to justify the mistakes made by employees, giving
employees the opportunity to use their new skills will practically prove them to
develop their skills and confidence faster. This can also help staff to start teaching
and teaching each other. In addition, speaking more than one language can make
our minds sharper as well. Our brain will continue to function because it makes sense
of words and phrases and because it strives to communicate, especially when
switching between languages. So it will give your memory a good workout as well, as
you remember and use what you have learned.

Focus on what employee wants

As we know, the workers will probably have a pretty good idea of where their skills
deficit might lie. However, these people are rarely given the opportunity to present it.
Therefore, with such a program in place, it will make the employees know where they
want to pour their ideas. Although employers won't be able to please everyone, they
may be surprised to hear the creative and intelligent ideas they get from employees if
they just ask. When the organization held certain focus groups to help shape future
development sessions, a few key points rose to the surface. Where the employees
not only wanted better skills for accomplishing the job tasks they also wanted to know
why those job tasks are important to the company. Because of this, they really want a
teacher who is good at teaching. By getting employee feedback, employers will get
ahead of the game, as employee engagement increases when people feel that their
company is listening and responding to feedback.

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