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Future research on motor D modeling

Problem statement
The motor D component of the composite load model is used to represent the aggregated effect
of the single-phase induction motor driven residential air conditioners (HVACs) in the system.
The motor D is an important part of the composite load model as this component is responsible
for capturing the impact of fault induced delayed voltage recovery or FIDVR in the system,
resulting from the stalling of residential HVACs.
The motor D component is an algebraic performance based model that was developed based on
laboratory based testing of individual HVACs and engineering judgement to capture the
aggregated impact of such devices. However, some concerns with the performance of the model
when used in simulation studies has led to many utility planners being unwilling to use this
model for their planning studies. The identified issues are as follows:
1. Block stalling and restarting of HVACs: Due to the mathematical implementation of
the model, when the voltage drops below a user set threshold and remains so for a user
set time, the entire block of the motor D component goes from a ‘run mode’ to a ‘stall
mode’. When in the ‘stall mode’, the motor D consumes significantly high amount of
active and reactive power thereby keeping the system voltages depressed considerably.
Similar to the block stalling, the motor D component transitions from a ‘stall state’ back
to the ‘run state’ as block if and when the system voltage recovers. The block stalling and
restarting of large blocks of motor D results in an abrupt and significant change in the
simulation outcomes for relatively small change in motor D parameters (Vstall and Tstall)
thereby making the users wary of the model’s performance. Based on the experiences of
multiple planners, such block effects may not be realistic in portions of their footprint.
2. Effect of HVAC reacceleration: When the voltage recovers after a fault, the HVACs in
the system restart thereby drawing significant amounts of active and reactive power as
the single-phase induction motors reaccelerate. For some weak areas of the system,
modeling the reacceleration is important as this may result in transient voltage dips which
may significantly impact the system performance. However, the motor D component
being a performance based aggregated model does not capture this effect adequately.
3. Adequate parameterization of the motor D model: Presently the motor D component
is parameterized based on laboratory test measurements. Although these parameters are
reasonable baseline parameters, they may not work for all instances of the model in the
system. This is because the system nature and topology have an impact on the actual
device behavior, which is not adequately captured in a controlled laboratory test
environment. Furthermore, some parameters like frst is heavily dependent on the split of
the different HVAC compressor technology like reciprocating and scroll, deployed in the
Research Initiative 2019 and Beyond
To tackle the identified challenges with the usage of the motor D component for planning
studies, EPRI has identified several research tasks. The tasks are as follows:
1. Progressive stalling of motor D: To address the problems associated with the block
stalling of the motor D component, GE had presented an alternative option for
progressive stalling back in 2016 [1]. In this modeling approach, a logic was used to stall
an increasing fraction of motor D based on a piece-wise linear voltage and time
characteristics. With this logic in place, an increasing fraction of motor D would stall as
the voltage starts to dip. This would ease the effect of block stalling of a large portion of
motor D and make the model response more realistic. This modeling approach was not
pursued further, due to other priorities of the various load modeling task forces. EPRI
plans to collaborate with GE to pursue this approach further and document the impact of
this modeling approach on systemwide implementation of the model.
2. Dynamic phasor modeling of single phase induction motor: A dynamic phasor model
for the single-phase induction motor was introduced by PSLF as an alternative approach
to model the impact of single phase induction motor driven HVACs in the system.
Contrary to the performance based motor D, the phasor model, mot1ph uses differential
equations to model the flux decay and build up inside the induction motor. Due to this
modeling approach, the mot1ph model is able to capture the reacceleration inrush of
induction motors in the system. The mot1ph model is available as beta version model in
GE PSLF ™ [2]. In 2018, EPRI performed a comprehensive comparative study to
identify the differences and similarities of the mot1ph model with the existing motor D
model [3]. 2019 and onwards, EPRI plans to perform system-wide studies using the
mot1ph and compare its impact on the system voltage response with the motor D model.
3. Systemwide studies with the composite load model: In 2019, EPRI has launched a
supplemental, wherein EPRI will work closely with utility engineers to perform
simulation studies for their system using the composite load model. In this supplemental,
EPRI will perform a set of sensitivity studies to identify parameter sets that work best for
the utilities foot print. As a part of the supplemental studies, EPRI will also perform
sensitivity studies for the motor D component to identify parameter sets that work
reasonably well for the utility’s underlying system. The sensitivity studies are expected to
highlight the short comings of the motor D model for system-wide implementation, if
any, and devise methods to tackle the shortfalls efficiently.
[1] NERC, Technical reference document on dynamic load modeling, available online at:
[2] LBNL, Load modeling transmission research, available online at:
[3] Technical update on load modeling, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2018. 3002013562.

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