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1.NumPy: a library for working with large, multi-

dimensional arrays and matrices of numerical data,
as well as for providing a large set of mathematical
functions to operate on these arrays.
2.Pandas: a powerful library for data manipulation
and analysis. It provides fast, flexible, and
expressive data structures designed to make
working with “relational” or “labeled” data both
easy and intuitive.
3.Matplotlib: a library for creating static, animated,
and interactive visualizations in Python.
4.Scikit-learn: a library for machine learning in
Python, providing a consistent interface to machine
learning models, and includes a wide range of
supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.
5.TensorFlow: an open-source library for numerical
computation and large-scale machine learning,
developed by Google Brain Team.
6.Keras: a high-level neural networks API, written in
Python and capable of running on top of
TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.
7.Beautiful Soup: a library for pulling data out of
HTML and XML files, often used for web scraping,
data mining, and data analysis.
8.Flask: a micro web framework for building web

applications in Python.
9.Django: a high-level Python web framework that
enables rapid development of secure and
maintainable websites.
10.NLTK: Natural Language Toolkit, a library to work
with human language data, such as text, speech,
• Matplotlib is a plotting library for

. the Python programming language

and its numerical mathematics
extension NumPy. It provides an
object-oriented API for embedding
plots into applications using
general-purpose GUI toolkits like
Tkinter, wxPython, Qt, or GTK.

• Some of the main features of

Matplotlib include:

• Support for plotting a wide

range of data, including 2D and
3D graphs, scatter plots, bar
charts, histograms, and more.

• Customizable appearance of
plots, including colors, fonts,
and line styles.

• Support for different backends,

allowing plots to be rendered to
a variety of output formats, such
as PNG, PDF, SVG, and more.

• Support for interactive plotting,

including zooming, panning,
and saving of plots.

• Some of the main features of Pandas

• Data structures for holding and

manipulating numerical tables and time
series data

• Data alignment and handling of missing


• Merging and joining of datasets

• Data filtering and transformation

• Handling of both row and column labels

• Grouping and aggregation of data

• High-performance I/O tools for loading and

saving data

• Pandas provide two main data structures,

Series and DataFrame. Series is a one-
dimensional labeled array capable of
holding any data type. DataFrame is a 2-

dimensional labeled data structure with
columns of potentially different types. You
can think of it like a spreadsheet or SQL
table, or a dict of Series objects. It is very
powerful and easy to use, it is widely used
in the field of data analysis, data cleaning,
• Scikit-learn provides a
consistent interface
machine learning models

and is designed to
interoperate with the
Python numerical and
scientific libraries NumPy
and SciPy. Some of the
features of scikit-learn
• Simple and efficient tools
for data mining and data
• Access to a wide range of
supervised and
unsupervised learning
• Interoperability with other
Python scientific libraries
such as NumPy and SciPy

• Consistent interface to
machine learning models
• Includes evaluation
methods and metrics
• NumPy is a Python library

. for working with large, multi-

dimensional arrays and
matrices of numerical data,
as well as for providing a
large set of mathematical
functions to operate on
these arrays. It provides an
efficient way to store and
manipulate large arrays of
homogeneous data (i.e.,
data of the same type, such
as integers or floating point
values). It is particularly
useful for scientific
computing and data
analysis. Some of the
features of NumPy include:
• n-dimensional array objects
• Mathematical and logical
operations on arrays
• Fourier transform and
shape manipulation

• Linear algebra and random
number generation
• NumPy array is faster and
more compact than python

These libraries can be used to

automate the process of sending HTTP
requests to a website and parsing the
HTML or XML response to extract the
data of interest. Additionally, it's
important to respect the website's terms
of service and handle any rate limiting
or blocking mechanisms that might be

in place.
• Beautiful Soup is a Python library for
pulling data out of HTML and XML
files. It creates parse trees from the
HTML/XML files that are helpful to
extract the data easily. Beautiful Soup
automatically converts incoming
documents to Unicode and outgoing
documents to UTF-8. It sits atop an
HTML or XML parser, providing
Pythonic idioms for iterating,
searching, and modifying the parse
• Some of the features of Beautiful
Soup include:
• Parsing the HTML/XML documents
and navigating, searching, and
modifying the parse tree
• Provides simple methods and
Pythonic idioms for navigating,
searching, and modifying a parse tree
• Can search the parse tree by tags,
attributes, and string contents

• Support for different parsers like lxml
and html.parser
Scrapy is an open-source and collaborative web crawling framework for Python. It is used to
extract the data from websites by making HTTP requests and parsing the HTML or XML
responses. Scrapy provides a built-in mechanism for following links and extracting data
from multiple pages, making it well-suited for crawling large websites.

Selenium is a powerful tool for automating web browsers. It allows you to control a web
browser through a program, which can be useful for web scraping, automating repetitive
tasks, and testing web applications. Selenium supports multiple programming languages
including Python, Java, C#, and Ruby.

lxml is a Python library for processing XML and HTML. It is built on top of the C libraries
libxml2 and libxslt, providing a Pythonic and easy-to-use API for parsing and manipulating
XML and HTML documents.

Python has a large and active community that has developed a wide range of libraries for various
purposes. These libraries provide powerful and easy-to-use functionality that can greatly simplify and
speed up development. These libraries are powerful tools for different purposes and make
development easy and efficient. They are widely used in industry and academia for a variety of tasks
and have become de-facto standards in their respective fields.


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