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Name: John Paul F. Ong Date: November 3, 2021

Degree/Program: MAED Major in Administration and Supervision Score/Rating:_________
Faculty: Education

Optimization: “Comparative Analysis of Budgeting Practices of

Principals for Enhancing Financial Management in Public
and Private Secondary Schools in Anambra State, Nigeria, Information technology and
Gen Z: The Role of Teachers, The Internet and Technology in the Education of Young
People and Training and Support for Inclusive Practices: Transformation
from Cooperation in Teaching and Learning” Commentary

Methodologies are the second back bone of researches. This makes or breaks the trinity of

researches (Title, Statement of the Problem and Scope and Delimitation) to its full informative

process. However, taking into consideration the fact Ethical, Cultural and Openess Considerations

are need to be utilized yet, researchers should always full optimize the data for better intellectual

contributions towards a phenomenal implications and implementations. However, the 3 papers

may share a lot thing in common but taking into consideration “Optimizations” needs to be desired.

Comparative Analysis of Budgeting Practices of Principals for Enhancing Financial

Management in Public and Private Secondary Schools in Anambra State, Nigeria is a paper that

needs meticulous approaches for clearer results. Although methodologically speaking the

information gives clarity to the results. The loophole of utilizing a quantitative approach in this is

kind of sensitive topic is reliability. Reliability in terms of budgeting explained by Dupitas (2021)

is a huge emphasis of perfect flow of the distribution of costs for improvement. Specifically, the

existence of the Financial Management Operations Manual she added or FMOM is a huge
mandatory tool in guiding school heads for financial transparency especially finances are

extremely sensitive. To make the critic’s point clear take a look at survey question #9.

Explaining the fairness of the school financial statement in the light of the school
budget shows disagreement. (Ofojebe and Amaikwu 2021)

Ideally, yes the FMOM serves as a basis here however, since the survey exists, the danger

zone regarding this matter lies in 3 major factors. 1. A possible bias that the one who answers is

not one of them. 2. The limitation of data coherence will be somewhat in questioned due to a

simple paper results instead of actualization. Remember, In Epistemology, validation needs

Coherence for ideas that critically do not match leads to intellectual instabilities resulting to

negation of authentic ideas more often than not, leading it to be the core of ideas per se instead of

fragmented ones (Benitez, 2014). 3. Budget Theory implications. Dupitas (2021) clearly augments

this point as a flow chart of budgeting process. If survey alone will resolve its comparativeness

and not knowing the traditionality, the flow of their system and the principle in charge of this, the

danger zone of the paper is one sided. As a result, one thing highly recommended to be implicated

in this paper is Immersion to be one living in that environment. Questionnaire alone fragments the

results proper causing lots of questions left hanging. Yes, Ethical Considerations are needed to be

fully implemented on this segment yet, the best thing here is similar to the researches related to

immersion base and observe appropriate approaches to fully execute data extractions. Evidently,

observe one video regarding the former WWE superstar and now Knoxville City Mayor Glenn

Jacobs AKA Kane (his ring name), weekly, he updates his fellow citizens in both budgetary and

government activities for clean political actions towards convenient lives of Knoxville. (See Knox

County Mayor Glenn Jacob's Weekly Update, Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs, 2021)
Meanwhile, The Internet and Technology in the Education of Young People has a different

methodology to be considered. Yes, the paper’s results and conclusion is clear and outstanding,

the loophole starts if instead of treating individually the 3 hypothesis into one element, better to

see relationship and coherence to each element for action plans and synthesis of 3 hypothesis

variables instead. The paper indeed explains clearly the needs assessments among 3 individual

hypotheses, the concerning matter, it is more of a preference base approach rather than comparative

study approach of effectiveness. If looking closely the ANOVA results, the results seems more of

validating rather than comparing and dominating clearly the effectiveness which gives 1. A vague

understanding of which methods variables are being pointed since the title is extremely broad so

in hind sight, the critic will imply the principle which optimizes best in this paper opening it for

preference alterations and 2. The title should be ”A Pedagogical Comparison of Educational

Technological tools for Young People in (Insert Location)” Since the paper after all compares 3

approaches to be effective. However, if the researcher desires to maintain the title, consider this

conceptual framework instead.

The Importance
of Learning for
the Student

Preference for Preference for the

Generation Z Forms of use of Technology in
Education Education

The use of
Technology by
the Teacher
The flow of this is the 3 circles are the major variation and preference type of the results.

This right here is a great way to utilize flexibility in learning instead of the dominating factor of

ideas over one another as the paper utilize individuality of dominating factor of the results as

comparison and contrast.

Finally, Training and Support for Inclusive Practices: Transformation from Cooperation

in Teaching and Learning, is a great example of the 3 that fully utilize the trinity and the

methodology to its full potential. Always ensure appropriateness, coherence and availability to get

the full optimal results of the date shown.

In conclusion, Methodologies matter in the paper. No matter how clean the paper is, the

clarity, addressing fully the issue and exposing the real missing element is crucial for researches.

Needless to say, formulating researches requires great alternatives and optimizations for best

results but keen for appropriateness and reliability for firmer ideas exposed.

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