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Nama: Fachrurozi Alhusin

NPM : 2207220107
Tugas : TMMNR


By Peter Santenello
Peter :Today I want to bring you in to very interesthing organization here in
mumbai its called happy feet and its an NGO that is set up for children with life-
limiting illnesses right over the track here is dharavi slum, and a lot of there
children come from all around the city, all around the city to, oh that’s the wrong
place, okay that not it. Feom all around the city to be part of this NGO
Shahid Shaikh : (The Children) Come from a low income background so many of
them the suffer with financial condition due to that they are like they don’t have
money to eat and money to treat themselves, so we try to give them that help
and like try to help them with whatever their medication (NEEDS)
Sadhana Dhandore : Basic nursing and basic medicine
Shahid Shaikh : Therapy
Sadhana Dhandore : diet, nutritional diet, hygiene
Peter : Through your experience here what is the biggest lesson been for you
Rajeshree Mande : My biggest lesson over here that how to cope up with your
life is the biggest lesson I’ve learned over here
Peter: How to cope with your life
Rajeshree Mande : Yeah Of course
Peter : What do you mean by that?
Rajeshree Mande : Whatever the issues, whatever the problems arise how to just
come out of that and have a smile on your face, that I learned from here.
Peter : The kids, the kids taught you?
Rajeshree Mande : Yeah, the kids taught me
Neha : Hi my name is neha and my passion is dance
Shahid Shaikh : She’s the only nurse here .
Peter : The only nurse for all the children?
Shahid Shaikh : Yeah.
Peter : How many children?
Sadhana Dhandore : 30-40 Children everday.
Peter : And what are the main issues with the children?what are the main
Sadhana Dhandore : 50% HIV 50% Thalassemia
Peter : Thalassemia, I don’t even know what that is thalassemia
Shahid Shaikh : Blood Disosder
Peter : Blood Disosder, if someone has the right medication theyre fine, right?
Shahid Shaikh : For them its like they have to come so thalassemia basically
where every person who is suffering from THALASSEMIA he or she have to like
take (Change)blood like every month or like every 15-20 days
Peter : Is HIV the big one where you need to be on the medication
Shahid Shaikh : That’s the only thing they have to take a medicine every time
Inzamam : Hi my name is inzamam, I want to become a cricket player.
Shena : My name is Shena I like to dance
Shahid Shaikh : These kids I would say like treat them like as like kids that’s is you
know don’t treat them, don’t discriminate (AGAINST) them, that’s the only thing,
you know they also deserve the same even they have right to like live like any
other kid would have
Sanjita : My name is Sanjita and I like to play music
Shahid Shaikh : It’s the issue how we deal with it you know, how society’s
portraying it
Peter : How is society portraying it?
Shahid Shaikh :Society is saying “Oh my god you have HIV!” discrimination the
oush you (Away) every time. Yeah, so they suffer a lot, you know people are there
are like sevral cases where our kids are like suffering from like if they go to
colleges if their teacher gets to know about their HIV then they treat the very
differently, they keep them aside they discriminate
Nagma : My name is Nagma and I want to become a makeup artist or beautician
Shahid Shaikh : People don’t know about these things you know what is HIV what
is Thalassemia
Peter : Right.
Shahid Shaikh : They like pass such statements or like judge people or like do
some otherthing to like hurt other people or hurt other kids . You know, that’s not
Peter : NO.
Shahid Shaikh : That’s what it is . They are as equal as any other kids that’s what I
would say even they have the same right to live
Aniket : Hi my name is Aniket and I want to become a dance choreographere
Shahid Shaikh : She’s saying whatever obstacles come in our life smile and like
deal with it
Peter : What did say?
Sadhana Dhandore : Every time you have to smile
Peter : You have to smile through the pain?
Sadhana Dhandore : Yeah , of course
Peter : Through anything, okay
Sadhana Dhandore : You won’t feel the pain if you’re smiling
Yaseen : My name is Yaseen and I like to create new things
Poonam : My nameis Poonam and I am 16 years old and I like to play (With) kids
Peter : Thanks you guys, you doing beautiful work
Shahid Shaikh : Yeah, thank you so much for coming
Peter : Its very nice
Sadhana Dhandore : Thank You.
Peter : It’s amazing
Jaya : My name is Jaya I like to dance
(Soham) What do you like?
kids : Vegetables.
Sobesh (Rapper) : “Singing The Music”
Peter : Guys, that was awesome, thank you brother, nice meeting you
Shahid Shaikh : Yeah, thank you for coming
Peter : Thank you.
Shahid Shaikh : Do come again and keep rocking. GOOD BYEE
Shahid Shaikh : See Yaaa, HAVE A GOOD DAY.

Peter : And That’s it very interesting experience. Wow, so humbling. Right, live
for the moment be happy smile through the pain, get in with life.
If you want to learn more about happy feet or support it I have links down below
here in the description of the vidio. THANKS FOR WACTHING!!!

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