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-It is important for pediatric nurses to promote good health as children grow and
-There are several opportunities for health promotion, from birth to early
-Each stage of a child's development can be an emotional challenge for both child
and parent.
-Insufficient nutrition can have lasting effects on a child's growth and
development into adulthood.
-Physical activity cannot only help prevent pediatric obesity, but it can also
improve bone health, cognitive skills, and the ability to concentrate and pay
-There are several pediatric diseases, such as dental caries and periodontal
disease, which can be prevented with good oral health practices.
-Childhood obesity has almost quadrupled over the past 40 years.
-Unintentional injuries, such as drownings, chokings, car accidents, poisonings,
and burns, are the most common causes of death in children in the United States.
Infant mortality rates were at approximately 200 deaths per 1000 live births with
common causes including congenital anomalies, sudden infant death syndrome, and
unspecified low birth weight.
-Childhood mortality rates are significantly lower than infant mortality rates;
accidents are the most common cause of death among all children.
-Using family-centered care helps pediatric health care professionals form
therapeutic relationships with the children under their care and with the child's
-Pediatric nurses use atraumatic care to help minimize the stress on the child and
family during treatment.
-Atraumatic care can include giving choices, minimizing pain, and using medical
play to help alleviate stress on both the child and family.
-The pediatric nurse is an advocate for both the child and family.
-EBP allows nurses to question whether current practices are effective and, if not,
to find a better approach to the practice.
-The EBP process includes the following steps: Formulate a clinical question using
the PICOT format Complete a literature review
-Analyze and critically appraise the literature Develop a plan of care
-Implement the plan of care
-Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan of care
-The GRADE criteria can be used during the literature review and appraisal of the
literature process to evaluate the articles.
-Clinical reasoning is the basis for the nursing process.

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Key Points

-It is important for pediatric nurses to promote good health as children grow and
-There are several opportunities for health promotion, from birth to early
-Each stage of a child’s development can be an emotional challenge for both child
and parent.
-Insufficient nutrition can have lasting effects on a child’s growth and
development into adulthood.
-Physical activity cannot only help prevent pediatric obesity, but it can also
improve bone health, cognitive skills, and the ability to concentrate and pay
-There are several pediatric diseases, such as dental caries and periodontal
disease, which can be prevented with good oral health practices.
-Childhood obesity has almost quadrupled over the past 40 years.
-Unintentional injuries, such as drownings, chokings, car accidents, poisonings,
and burns, are the most common causes of death in children in the United States.
Infant mortality rates were at approximately 200 deaths per 1000 live births with
common causes including congenital anomalies, sudden infant death syndrome, and
unspecified low birth weight.
-Childhood mortality rates are significantly lower than infant mortality rates;
accidents are the most common cause of death among all children.
-Using family-centered care helps pediatric health care professionals form
therapeutic relationships with the children under their care and with the child’s
-Pediatric nurses use atraumatic care to help minimize the stress on the child and
family during treatment.
-Atraumatic care can include giving choices, minimizing pain, and using medical
play to help alleviate stress on both the child and family.
-The pediatric nurse is an advocate for both the child and family.
-EBP allows nurses to question whether current practices are effective and, if not,
to find a better approach to the practice.
-The EBP process includes the following steps: Formulate a clinical question using
the PICOT format Complete a literature review
-Analyze and critically appraise the literature Develop a plan of care
-Implement the plan of care
-Evaluate the effectiveness of th

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