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Mary’s School – Junior High School

Araling Panlipunan, Computer, English, and Math 8.1 | Second Quarter
Grade 8

Multidisciplinary Performance Task

Performance Standards:
Araling Panlipunan Students will create an advocacy that fosters care, and which values the
distinct contributions of the Classical and Transitional periods that have great
influence to the present way of life.
Computer The learner will be able to Apply HTML element tags for creating list,
formatting/styling text and embedding images in creating a webpage.
English The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and
creative speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions in topic development, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior
Mathematics 8.1 The student is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence
and clarity in formulating and analyzing arguments.

Araling Panlipunan African, Mesoamerican, Greek and Roman Civilization
Computer Webpage design Using HTML
English Speech Writing and Delivering
Mathematics 8.1 Conditional Statements

Essential Questions:
Araling Panlipunan How did the ancient civilizations serve as a foundation to the cultivation of
learning during the transition period?
Computer How can HTML elements create a dynamic webpage?
English How can grammatical signals or expressions help topic development in
making a good speech?
Mathematics 8.1 How can we use conditional statements in formulating and analyzing
Performance Task

Goal To create advocacy about the importance of the preservation of the

culture from ancient civilizations using conditional statements.
Role A youth ambassador

Audience General Audience of all ages

Situation As one of the most influential ambassadors of your generation, a group

of advocates/organizations asking for your help to create a speech that
talks about the importance of being able to preserve the culture of ancient
civilizations. What would be the impact if it is preserved or if it is taken
for granted? The organization asked you for a format which is a speech
using conditional statements, to appeal to the people.
Product/Performance OUTPUT:

Araling Panlipunan & Math 8.1:

Speech that talks about the preservation of the ancient culture with the
use of conditional statements

English 8
Compose and deliver a persuasive speech about the preservation of the
ancient culture. The speech should contain the following:
1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Body (minimum of 3)
4. Conclusion
5. 5 paragraphs in total

Computer 8
Create a website using an excerpt from your speech as a form of
1. Use necessary or applicable element tags in creating your
webpage such as but not limited to:
- Headings
- Pre
- Text formatting (fonts, alignment, color)
- List
- Image Embedding
- Image Float
2. Submit the electronic format of the file including the images used
in the webpage.
3. File naming should be:
DEADLINE: January 13, 2023




Criteria Description Points (50 points)

Organization Complete parts of speech; 20
introduction, body, and
Delivery Appropriate prosodic 20
features, stance, voice
quality, pronunciation, and
Grammar Correct usage of grammatical 10
Total 50


Criteria Description Points

Content Cover topics in details. Content is well presented. 15

Page Design/ Design was properly implemented. Images used are relevant. 20
Layout Layout is organized.
Grammar and The output is free of grammatical and spelling errors. 5

Total 40

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