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- Stress of Exam -

One of the issues that makes students, parents and teachers think and worry the most is
exam anxiety. Examinations held at schools as well as high school and university exams can
cause anxiety and this anxiety affects success. Anxiety is a natural emotion experienced not
only in exams but also in every moment of life. It is a reaction of the body to protect itself and
adapt to the situation, which occurs when a person is faced with physically or emotionally
challenging events, when he feels under pressure, when he experiences a stressful situation.
What creates anxiety is not the events and situations, but the person's view of that event or
situation and his thoughts, comments and value judgments about it. This is the same for the
exam. If the student feels under pressure in the exam, he/she experiences anxiety and gives
physical and mental reactions. In fact, moderate anxiety helps the student to be motivated, to
study, to concentrate on the exam and brings success.However, some students experience
this anxiety more intensely. Some parents tell that their children worked hard, got good
grades in the trial exams, but could not show this success in the university exam. This is due
to the test anxiety of the student. Absence of anxiety in the student is as much an obstacle to
success as high-level anxiety. Exam anxiety manifests itself during or before the exam,
physical reactions such as sweating, trembling, increased heart rate, entanglement of hands
and feet occur in the student, and a distressing and depressing mood occurs. In this
situation, the student becomes unsure of what to do, gets distracted, cannot remember what
he knows, makes mistakes; As a result, he cannot achieve the desired success. The most
important factor that creates exam anxiety is the student's beliefs and thoughts about the
exam.If a student believes that the exam will be too difficult, he is too afraid of failing, he
thinks that if he fails, everyone will be angry, ridiculed, disliked, or that everything will end. In
addition, the student's low self-confidence and belief that he will be successful, and not
studying adequately and correctly also create anxiety. The attitudes and approaches of the
family also affect the student's anxiety; Sometimes parents can unknowingly increase their
anxiety while trying to be helpful to the child. It was said to direct him to work, "You cannot
gain a place with this study, how many questions does everyone solve per day, where are
you?" Comparisons such as "Look, our neighbor's daughter came first in the test, your
grades are low" do nothing but put pressure on the child and create anxiety.If the family
expects a high success from the child, he sees passing the exam as the only way and
reflects this on his child, but the child naturally gets worried. In addition, the excitement and
anxiety of the parents affect the child. The boy asked, “How do I look at my mother's face if I
don't win, what will my father do to me?” If he stays in such feelings and thoughts, anxiety
and the resulting failure will be inevitable. It is possible to reduce exam anxiety and ensure
that the student takes the exam comfortably, and parents can help the child in this situation.
For this, first of all, the child's self-confidence should be increased in relation to the exam, as
in other subjects. He should be encouraged and made to believe that he will succeed. Study
method should be reviewed, and what can be done to work more efficiently should be
considered. It should be emphasized that if he follows the lessons well at school and works
efficiently, he will be successful.His small achievements at school and at home should be
rewarded with nice words, and he should be made to strive for the better. Threats and
comparisons should be avoided. The truth is that every student has his own capacity. A
mother may be upset that the neighbor's child makes 2 mistakes in mathematics and her
own child makes 10 mistakes, but she probably also makes 1 mistake in Turkish or another
lesson. Most importantly, if the child really has test anxiety, it should not be thought that he
gives these reactions to avoid studying or to avoid the exam, the causes of the problem
should be determined and solutions should be sought. In addition, a few exercises to be
done before the exam will help the student to complete the exam comfortably by reducing
their anxiety. Bringing good things to mind about the exam, remembering a pleasant situation
or moment for a short time, listening to music, singing provide relaxation.In addition,
breathing exercises are extremely beneficial. Anxiety can be reduced by learning proper
breathing exercises from experts. The child should also be supported in these matters.
Saying things like don't get excited before the exam will increase the excitement rather than
decrease it. However, if the anxiety cannot be reduced and negatively affects the student, a
specialist should be consulted.

Extra Note :
Advice to the family ;

Invite your child to activities where he can demonstrate and develop his motor skills and
abilities. Activities such as swimming, football, dance, ballet, folk dances and theater are
suitable for this period. Dance and exercise with him. These activities are very important for
the child's physical development and health, as well as for him to know himself, to realize
what he can do, to reveal and develop his cognitive and social skills. In this period, since the
joints of the child are still soft, it is necessary to gain the habits of sitting upright and walking
well. It is important that the texts of the books to be bought for the child are of appropriate
size, in terms of arranging the sitting and protecting the eyes.

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