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Chapter 2

Congratulating and Complimenting


Picture 2.1


Work individually to classify the following expressions to their functions!.Number

one has been done for you.

No. Meaning Arabic
Script 1.To wish someone blessings from Allah
1. Praise to ‫الحمد هلل‬ especially in return to a favor done by that
Allah person, the equivalent to “thank you very

2. Glory to ‫سبحان هللا‬ 2. Commonly used when you think you did
Allah something wrong (a sin, cursed …).

3. It is used in many places, for example if

3. What Allah ‫ما شاء هللا‬
you hear something amazing and you want
wishes to express your amazement.

4. If Allah wills ‫إن شاء هللا‬ 4. When someone does something good to you
(gives you something, helps you with
something …)
5. I seek ‫أستغفر هللا‬
forgiveness 5. To express satisfaction, or after having
from Allah finished eating… or if someone asks you
how you were and you want to express that
you’re satisfied.
6. May Allah ‫بارك هللا فيك‬
bestow his 6. To express positive amazement almost like
blessings on subhanallah, after saying it, you can add
you. something if you want.

7. To planning to do a future action.

7. May Allah ‫جزاك هللا خيرا‬
reward you
with all good


(1). Sunnah Words of Congratulations When a new born Arrives

Muslims are recommended to congratulate the parents of a new born baby.
The prophet Muhammad taught us to supplicate for blessing for them as narrated by
Imam Al Bukhori. The supplication is below:

‫ َو َج َعلَهُ بَ ًّرا تَقِيًّا ا‬،‫اركَ هللاُ لَك فِي ِه‬

َ َ‫ ب‬It means:“May Allah instill blessings in him for you
make him righteous God fearing’.

And it is recommended for the parents to reply by saying:

‫بَا َر َك هَّللا ُ لَكَ َو بَا َر َك َعلَ ْي َك‬

It means: “May Allah bless you, and shower His blessings upon you”.

(2). Sunnah words of Congratulating People’s Marriage

It is recommended for Muslim to say the prayer taught by the Prophet

Muhammad after congratulating people’s marriage as narrated by Abu Daud and
Tirmidzi. The congratulation is below.
‫بَا َر َك هَّللا ُ لَ َك َو بَا َركَ َعلَ ْي َك َو َج َم َع بَ ْينَ ُك َما فِ ْي َخ ْي ٍر‬

It means: ‘May Allah bestow barakah on you, may Allah also bestow
barakah on you, and may He bring you both together in kindness ''


Relating to the previous text in ‘Let’s See What Quran and Hadith
Say’, find the English equivalents for the Indonesian words below!. You
are given the dashes and some letters of the English words as the clues.
Number one has been done for you as an example.

Recommend (verb) = menganjurkan
sup _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (verb) = memohonkan
na _ _ _ _ _ (verb) = meriwayatkan/menceritakan
pr _ _ _ _ _ (noun) = nabi/rasul
bes_ _ _ (verb) = memberikan/melimpahkan
ble _ _ (noun) = berkah
almi _ _ _ _ _ (noun) = mahakuasa
ma _ _ _ _ __ (noun) = pernikahan
pra _ _ _ (noun) = doa
ins _ _ _ _ (verb) = menanamkan/melimpahkan
rig _ _ _ _ _ _ (adjective) = berbudi
fea _ _ _ _ _ (noun) = yang takut
kin _ _ _ _ _ (noun) = kebaikan
com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (noun) = pujian
comm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (adjective) = patutdihargai/dipuji
no _ _ _ (noun) = mulia
en _ _ _ _ _ _(verb) = mendorong/meyakinkan
go _ _ _ _ _ _(noun) = kebaikan


Text 1

Task 1: Read the dialog carefully!

AAssAter a long struggle and hard work, Maulana is finally elected the leader of
students’ association at his school. Many of his friends who support him
congratulate him.

Picture 2.2

Fatih : Maulana, I’d be the first to congratulate on your success. May Allah
The Almighty bestow His blessing on you (shaking Maulana’s
Maulana : May Allah the Almighty reward you with all good… (replying with a
happy tone). Thank you very much. This is because you always help
me (clapping Fatih’s shoulder).
Sarah : You’re doing great, Maulana. Now, you are the leader of OSIS at our
school, I believe you will be able to run your vision and mission.
Maulana : Insyaallah… Thank you. I cannot forget your participation and I still
need your help.

Other friends shake his hands and congratulate him too.

Firdaus : That’s wonderful Maulana… (shaking Maulana’s hand).

Maulana : All praise is due to Allah. Thanks.
Nada : Congratulation! You deserved it guy. Nice work, Maulana.
Maulana : Thanksa lot. I still need your support.
Nada : Insyaallah… we will.
Yusuf : Well done…We must help you (while shaking Maulana’s hand).
Maulana : Thank you.
Ivan :That’s great. Your parents must be very proud of your
achievement (then he shakes Maulana’s hand).
Maulana :Thanks.Nothing will happen without Allah’s help. I’m glad you
think so. But I still have to learn a lot.

His teachers meet him and also congratulate him.

Mr. Samsul : Subhanallah! Please accept my warmest congratulations,

Maulana (while shaking hands)
Maulana : It’s very kind of you to say so, Sir. Thank you.
Mr. Daud : Masyaallah! I must congratulate you on your success.
Maulana : Thank you very much for saying so,

Task 2: Read the dialogue above. Find out the congratulating expressions
and how Maulana responds to the expressions. Then fill them in the
following table! Number one has been done for you as an example.

No Giving to Congratulate Responding the congratulation


1. I’d be the first to congratulate on Thank you very much. This is

your success. because you always help me.

Task 3:Find out the complimenting expressions and how Maulana responds
them in the dialog, then fill them in the following table! The number one has
been done for you as an example.

No Giving to Compliment Responding the compliment


Thank you. I cannot forget your

1. You’re doing great. participation with me, and I still need
your help.


Task 4: Answer the following questions based on text 1!

1. How many people are there in the dialogue?

2. Why do those people congratulate Maulana?
3. What is the social purpose of congratulating people?
4. Does Maulana feel that his achievement is due to Allah’s help?
5. What do ‘subhanallah’ and ‘masyaallah’ in the last dialogue mean?

Text 2.

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions below!.

Fatimah has won the first winner of the Tahfidz Competition in her school. Her
best friend congratulated her.

Picture 2.3

Aisyah : Assalamu’alaikum, Fatimah, congratulation for being the first winner

of the school Tahfiz Competition! Excellent!. You really did it well.
Fatimah : Wa’alaikumsalam, All praises be to Allah. Thanks, Aisyah.
Aisyah : I heard that you will be the representative of our school in the
Tahfiz Competition of our regency. Is ittrue?
Fatimah : Yes, you’re right. Insyaallah, I will be the representative of our
school in the Tahfiz Competition of our regency.
Aisyah : Masyaallah… I hope you will be the winner on the next
Fatimah : I hope so. But honestly I’m nervous.
Aisyah : Don’t worry, you’re a very good hafizhah. Allah may bless you.
Good luck.
Fatimah : Barakallahufik. It’s nice of you to say so. I’ll do my best. Wish me

Task 6: Answer the following questions!

1. What good news about Fatimah does Aisyah know?

2. Does Aisyah congratulate Fatimah?
3. What does Aisyah say to compliment Fatimah?
4. How does Fatimah respond to Aisyah’s compliments?
5. Why does Aisyah compliment Fatimah?
6. What is the appreciation expression in English that is equivalent to


Task 1: Complete the following dialogs by using the suitable words or

expressionsprovided in the box. Number one has been done for you as
an example!

You deserved it boy That’s a good name

Shower His blessings upon you I’m glad you think so
I have to work hard for it How nice of you to say

Yasin : Subhanallah, finally you
have finished reciting all
chapters in the Quran,
Rizki : Alhamdulillah, Thank
you very much.
Yasin : Your parents must be
very happy because you
have prepared crowns for
them in the heaven.
Rizka : Insyaallah…


Picture 2.4

David : Your son looks nice in that

uniform, Yusuf!
Yusuf : All praises be to Allah.
That’s the first day he
comes to the elementary
David : What is his name?
Yusuf : His name is Muhammad
Thifal Syazani.
David : (2) _______________. May
Allah have mercy on him.
Yusuf : Thanks for your praises.
May Allah have mercy on you too.

Picture 2.5


Ms. Maya : That’s great.

Congratulation, Amel,
How‘s the score?
Amel : (3) _____________. I
passed this test. But I
did not get the highest
score. Ameera got it.
Ms. Maya : Wow, how Ameera is
amazing. (Ameera
does not listen to them).
I know she is very
Smart. She always
studies hard.

Source: www.

Picture 2.6

4. Abdullah : Muzammil, I heard that
you have had a baby
girl, haven’t you?
Muzammil : Yes, you’re right.
Abdullah : Congratulation!.May
Allah instill blessings in
her for you and make
your baby becomes a
sholehah child.
Muzammil : May Allah bless you and
(4) ______________
Thanks a lot, my best
Source: www.
Picture 2.7


Arief : I heard you won the Halal

Food Festival! Well,
Congratulation, Budi!. That
is fantastic!
Budi : Thank you very much for
saying so,Alhamdulillah.
Arief : I wish you succeed in the
next year’s festival.
Budi : I hope so.

Source: www.

Picture 2.8

Hasna : It was great to hear about
your marriage, Mutia!
Mutia : (6) __________________
Hasna : May Allah the Almighty
bestow barakah on you,
and may He bring you both
together in kindness
Mutia : Aamiin, Oh, thanks a lot
for your praying, Hasna.
Hasna : You are welcome.

Source: www.

Picture 2.9


Expression of congratulation is an expression that is used to give the
congratulation utterance when:
- Someone succeeds in doing something.
By congratulating someone, we tell them that we are pleased to hear
about her/his good luck or achievement, such as:
- When she/he has a new born baby
- When she/he has just got married
- When Eid Mubarak comes
After congratulating him/her, it is recommended to say the prayer
taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) and the
congratulated person is also recommended to respond by saying the prayer
taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him). (See ‘Lets’ What
Quran and Hadith Say’!)

The following are some expressions of congratulation and their responses:

Congratulating Responding
I’d be the first to congratulate you on… It’s very good of you to say to
I’d like to congratulate you on … How nice of you to say to
Please accept my warmest Thank you very much for saying
congratulations so
May I congratulate you on? I’m glad you think so
I must congratulate you Oh, it’s nothing special actually
It was great to hear about Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
Congratulations! I guess I was just lucky
Congratulations on …! Oh, nothing to it, actually
Well done!/ fantastic! Oh, thanks


Expression of compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise

other people. Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will
keep on doing their best and even improve their performance. We express
compliment when:
- motivating someone to have a commendable and noble character
- explaining to others about his/her virtue or about his/her best

(3). Complimenting Others in Islam

In Islam, the compliment aims to motivate others to have a commendable and

noble character. This is a good thing, and is included in the word of Allah the
Almighty in in the QuranSurah Al Maidah:2.

Kٰ K‫ َو‬K‫ ْق‬Kَّ‫ت‬K‫ل‬K‫ ا‬K‫و‬Kَ KِّK‫ ر‬Kِ‫ ب‬K‫ ْل‬K‫ ا‬K‫ ى‬Kَ‫ ل‬K‫ َع‬K‫ا‬K‫ و‬Kُ‫ ن‬K‫و‬Kَ K‫ ا‬K‫ َع‬Kَ‫ ت‬K‫… َو‬

It means : "Please help you in kindness".

By complimenting others, you are motivating and encouraging him to always

be in goodness.

The following are some examples of compliment expressions:
Complimenting Responding
You did it very well Alhamdulillah…
Well done Alhamdulillah wasyukrulillah…
You’re doing just fine Thank you
You’re doing great Thank you very much
You’ve done a great job Thanks a lot
That’s a lovely … Thanks a bunch
That was a nice … I’m glad you enjoyed it
You look nice in … Do you really think so?
What a lovely … I’m glad you like it
You ‘re really a good … Thanks


Task 1: Read the following message from WhatsApp. Pay attention to the
tense used!

Picture 2.8

- The bolded words are in simple past tense
- Use the simple past tense for actions that took place in the past.
- After “y” preceded by a consonant, the “y” is changed to “i” and “ed”
is added (study - studied)
- After a single consonant preceded by a single stressed vowel, the final
consonant is doubled before “ed” (stop - stopped)
- After final “e”, only “d” is added (change - changed)

Task 2: Study the table on how to change verbs to simple past tense.

Type Rule Examples

Regular Verbs add –ed to the verb: - I wanted to you to know

want – wanted - I attended the graduation
attend – attended ceremony
succeed – succeeded

Irregular Verbs change the spelling - It was a special day

is – was - They were successful
are – were - I always read the Quran one
am – was day one chapter.
read – read
has/have – had

Task 3: Complete the text below with the simple past tense! number one has
been done for you as an example!

I must compliment you on getting your

graduation this year. Someone (1) told (tell) me
that you (2) __________ (accomplish) your
study as you expected. He also (3) __________
(say) that you (4) ____________ (are) the best
in your class. Studying while helping your
parents is a marvelous achievement. I am sure
your parents must be very proud of you. You are
a good role model. You (5) _________ (do) it
very well.
Picture 2.11


Task 1: Role Play

Complete the following dialogs with your own words!. Then, role them
with your friend in the front of class!

Conversation 1

Situation :Hasan and Ihsan are at their dormitory, suddenly, the muezzin calls
the people to perform the Maghrib pray.

Hasan : Ihsan, let’s go to the mosque!.

Ihsan : Wait a minute. I’ll take my (1) _______________.
Hasan : Come on, hurry up!. After a moment, the Jamaah Maghrib pray is
going to be held. (2) _______________.
Ihsan : Let’s (3) _________________! (after wearing his black peci)
Hasan : By the way, what’s our program after this Maghrib pray?
Ihsan : Today is Thursday night. Our programs are reciting Asmaul Husna
Surah Yaasin, and Surah Al Waqi’ah including their meaning.

Hasan : (4) ________________! I haven’t recited them at all. Have you
recited one of them?
Ihsan : (5) ________________. Alhamdulillah, I have recited all of them.
Hasan : (6) _________________!
Ihsan : (7) __________________.

Conversation 2

Situation : During the Aqiqah ceremony of Mr. Sayed’s son in his house.

Mr. Ali : (1) ___________________, Mr.Sayed!

Mr. Sayed : (2) ___________________, Mr.Ali. (while shaking Mr. Ali’s hand).
(3) ______________, thank you for coming. I’m glad you can come.
I really appreciate it.
Mr. Ali : Thank you, Mr. Sayed, congratulation on (4) _______________.
(meeting Mr. Sayed’s baby sleeping on his bed and praying)
Mr. Sayed : Thank you very much for saying so, Mr.Ali.
Mr. Ali : You’re (5) _______________.


Work in pairs. Play the scissor, rock and paper game. The winner
will choose for a situation. The partner of the winner will make an
expression of congratulation to the situation. For example, the winner
chooses situation 1:

Thifal (the winner) : Alhamdulillah, I got the scholarship to Egypt.

Fudhael : Congratulation, Thifal!. May Allah bless you. Your parents
must be proud of you.
Thifal : Thank you very much for saying so.
1. getting a scholarship 2. writing an Islamic 3. performing the Umrah
to Egypt novel
4. getting marriage 5. winning the speech 6. growing successful
contest business
7. becoming the best 8. becoming the best 9. getting a new twin baby
writer student
10.becoming the 11. building a Islamic 12. getting the graduation
talented qari boarding school
13. buying a new house 14. Performing the Hajj 15. buying a new car

The procedure how to play scissor, rock and paper game:

1. This game is played by two people to

challenge each other
2. A player who decides to play a rock
will beat another player who has
chosen a scissor, because the rock
can crush the scissor.
3. A player who decides to play a
scissor will beat another player who
has chosen a paper, because the
scissor can cut the paper.
4. A player who decides to play a paper
will beat another player who has
chosen a rock, because the paper can
cover the rock
5. If both players choose the same shape, the game is tied and is usually
Picture 2.12 immediately replayed to break the


Task 1: Write down the inside parts of the congratulation cards based on the
cover. Write at least two sentences!.Card number one has been
done for you as an example.

Your friend sends you a card of Eid
Mubarak at the end of Ramadhan

May Allah the Almighty bless you,

Accept your deeds in Ramadhan,
Let the provision of taqwa to assist us to
the next Ramadhan
Have a joyful and enjoyable eid with
your family and friends!!!

Picture 2.13
Your aunt has got married to a man
she loves. They met when they were
studying in Oman.
Picture 2.14

Your penpals have graduated from a
Pharmacy Program in Brunei
Darussalam. They want to go to your
city for holiday.
Picture 2.15

Your sister in law has a surprised for
you. She has got married for 2 years.

Suddenly, she sends you a card
telling that she has a cute baby girl.
Picture 2.16


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