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Oscar: Hello Camila and Meyling, a long time without see you¡¡ how are you ?

Guao You are taller

Meyling, in fact you are taller than Camila now.

Meyling: Naaa… I think Camila is taller, but let me see you lokk fitter than before, i mean you have
been doing execise rigth?

Oscar: something like that, but Camila is fitter than me, look at her, she looks more beautiful than

Camila: Thank you Oscar, but i mean Meyling is more beaitfull than me, but i would like to do
excercise like you.

Meyling: I my gosh, do exercise that´s not to me.

Camila: Why not? Come on! you need to be more confident and bravier than a Lion ¡

Meyling: It isn´t about that, it is becouse i don´t have enough time to do it, and fell tired because
my job too… and when i get home i fell more relaxed than a lettuce 

Oscar: Now i see, ok Camila you look more motivated than Meyling, and it is ok Meyling maybe in
a near future you can do it.

Camila: Ok guys it was a plesaure to see you again, see you soon. Bye!

Every Body say : BYE

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