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Topic-Teaching &Learning: Some Current Issues

Required Article to read: Coconstructing a Meaningful Online Environment: Faculty–

Student Rapport in the English as a Foreign Language College Classroom- Norah

Pre-class questions
1. According to the paper, what does the idea of faculty-student rapport (FSR) mean?
2. Why is FSR important in teaching and learning process?
3. How can language teachers build rapport and a sense of community in online
4. According to the paper, what are students’ perceptions of FSR?
5. What are the qualities of social constructivism?
6. What are the aims of self-determination theory?
7. What are the effects of FSR on learners’ learning?
8. What is your understanding of students' perceptions of self-efficacy?
9. How is FSR significantly linked with students’ perceptions of self-efficacy?

After you read the paper, you may be able to answer the researcher’s research questions.
Prepare to answer these questions:
1. How does student learning behavior compare between non-FSR and FSR-building
in online instructional set- tings?
2. How does instructor behavior compare between non- FSR and FSR-building in
online instructional settings?
3. How does the student level of engagement in online instructional settings compare
between non-FSR and FSR-building instructional settings?

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