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Esquel Group: Fostering a culture of Excellence Notes

Short Term Significance

● Educate their employees
● Hire a direct role to improve the technical and managerial performance
● Improve foundations of several buildings could be problematic in the decades to come
● Change the image and create model factory to demonstrate that the processes could be
designed with sustainability as a central theme
Long Term Significance
● Maintain quality of operations
● Create a safe environment for the employees
● Internal standards for safety and quality operations
● Create a healthy and wholesome work environment
What went wrong?
● Hired the wrong project manager
● Unfamiliar with building and construction
● Workers feared reporting mistakes
What they should have done
● Construction errors are common and inevitable
○ Should have developed a back up plan or a plan of action
● Monitor external hires
○ Bruce Lin had no experience with the company prior to accepting this project
■ Does Not understand the goals and values of the company
● Makes it difficult to translate when managing a scope this complex
and large
● Three things that should have been done:
○ Purchase better material and hire better vendors
○ Get internal involved
■ Someone from the internal team should have co- managed the project with
Bruce (to maintain company values and vision)
■ Also to hold Bruce accountable if any issues arise
○ Communicate company purpose (give better direction)
■ What got lost was what Esquel was trying to communicate through this
● Leaders should have communicated better with Bruce
Communicating Culture Solutions
● Screen for quality vendors
● Incorporate orientations and discussions
● Leadership reiterates importance
● Model behavior at all levels
● Attention to traits and behaviors at all levels

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● Celebrate model behavior

● Results of Incremental Sustainability efforts
○ Continuous improvements
○ Reduced environmental impact
● Over promise and underdeliver
● Think of scope as deliverables
● Known and unknown areas of risk

Esquel faced many issues along the way of the building of the Integral project. However
their main issues were a lack of quality materials, not having more supervision from
internal, and lack of communication . First Esquel should have purchased better materials
and hired better vendors. They should have screened for quality vendors and the materials
should have been inspected before use. Second, due to the fact that Bruce Lin had no
experience with the company prior to accepting this project, he did not understand the
goals and values of the company. Someone from the internal team should have co-
managed the project with Bruce to maintain company values and vision. But also to hold
Bruce accountable if any issues came up during construction. Lastly Esquel should have
effectively communicated their company purpose as that was what ultimately got lost in
the construction process. Ultimately there were many unknown and known areas of risk
and Esquel should have created a contingency plan if anything were to arise.

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