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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Pangasinan Division II
District of Sison


S.Y. 2018-2019
Name: ________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________ Score: ________
DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
For items 1-3. Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.
The Horse and the Cotton
A man drove his horse to the seaside and bought there a sack of salt. The man and the horse went home at
once. While crossing a stream, the horse stumbled and fell into the water. It lay there for some time until it
regained its energy. Upon arising, the horse was delighted to find that it had lost its burden. After a few
days, the horse again had a chance to cross the same stream, but this time it carried a sack of cotton.
Remembering what happened before; it stumbled intentionally and again fell into the stream. The horse was
surprised when it found out that, its load became many times heavier than before.
1. What did the horse carried on its first journey?
A. A sack of salt C. A sack of cotton
B. A sack of hay D. A sack of rice
2. Why was it delighted after falling into the stream the first time?
A. Its burden became heavier than before. C. Its burden became lighter than before.
B. Its burden was removed by his master. D. Its burden became cotton.
3. What happened the second time it crossed the stream?
A. It intentionally fell into the water. C. It fell into the water with its master.
B. It accidentally fell into the water. D. It fell into the water and drowned.
4. It is a propaganda that connects a person, product or idea to something negative.
A. Name Calling B. testimonial C. Plain folks D. Bandwagon
5. This propaganda uses a well-known person to endorse the product or service.
A. Name Calling B. testimonial C. Plain Folks D. Bandwagon
6. It is a word part added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
A. Prefix B. Pretest C. Suffix D. Posttest
7. It is a word part added to the end of a word to change its meaning.
A. Prefix B. Pretest C. Suffix D. Posttest
8. This prefix means three.
A. Mono B. Bi C. Tri D. Multi
9. What do you call the things that could happen in real life and actually exist?
A. Real B. Realia C. Fantasy D. Make-believe
10. A sentence always ends with a _____.
A. Comma B. Parenthesis C. Quotation Mark D. Punctuation Mark
11. It is writing a sketch or framework of a text showing the important ideas and details which support
those ideas in an organized form.
A. Outlining B. Noting Details C. Writing Paragraph D. Sequencing Events
12. These are hints that the author gives to help define a difficult or unfamiliar word.
A. Dictionary B. Thesaurus C. Context Clues D. Transition Words
13. These are parts of words that can be added to words or roots to change the meaning of the new word. It
can be a prefix or a suffix.
A. Affixes B. Antonyms C. Synonyms D. Definition
14. This is an example of context clues that use words with the same or nearly the same meaning.
A. Affixes B. Antonyms C. Synonyms D. Definition
15. This is a written composition in which two or more characters are represented in a conversation.
A. Speech B. Lecture C. Announcement D. Dialog
For items 16-17. Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.
Scientists found out that Mercury’s atmosphere is very hot. Venus is hot too. Mars and Pluto are too
cold and their atmosphere is made up of too much carbon dioxide just like those of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune. The planet Earth on the other hand has atmosphere which is made up of oxygen. Earth also
receives enough light and rays from the sun which makes the planet fit for life.
16. What is the selection about?
A. The Atmosphere of the Planets C. The Atmosphere of the Earth
B. The Gases in the Atmosphere D. The Atmosphere of Mercury
17. What makes the planet Earth fit for life?
A. enough light and rays from the sun C. no heat and light rays from the sun
B. less heat light and rays from the sun D. made up of too much carbon dioxide
18. A person who practices the study of nature is a __________________.
A. Natural B. Naturalist C. Naturalistic D. Naturalistico
19. When two or more numbers are multiplied by themselves or by each other, the result is the product, the
answer in the multiplication process or operation. Using context clue, what is the meaning of the underlined
A. When two or more numbers are multiplied
B. When multiplied by themselves or by each other
C. The answer in the multiplication process or operation
D. The answer in the addition process or operation
20. The ratio of pupils to the computer units in our school is two is to one. Ratio is the relation of size,
degree, or number between two similar things. What is the meaning of ratio?
A. It is the relation of size, degree, or number between two similar things.
B. It is the relation of size, degree, or number between three similar things.
C. It is the relation of size, degree, or number between four similar things.
D. It is the relation of size, degree, or number between five similar things.
21. Things that are make-believe are things that are in your imagination. They _____ in real life.
A. can happen B. are facts C. are true D. cannot happen
22. What punctuation mark is used in asking questions?
A. Period B. Comma C. Question Mark D. Exclamation Point
23. What kind of outline is consisted of full sentences?
A. Phrase Outline B. Topic Outline C. Idea Outline D. Sentence Outline
24. The lady couldn’t decide who to marry. She is still _____.
A. undecided B. indecided C. imdecided D. disdecided
25. Many say that laughter contributes to one’s wellness, not illness. What context clue is used in the
A. Antonym B. Synonym C. Word Parts D. Definition
26. In Plain Folks Propaganda, which people will you choose as endorsers to sell a product or a service?
a. Regular people b. Rich people c. Famous People d. Poor people
27. How can you turn you story into a make-believe?
A. By using real-life situations C. By adding some magical creatures
B. By using only facts D. By providing evidences
For items 28-29. What should be the spelling of the underlined words?
28. Once upon a time, their was a boy named Jeff. His hole name was Jeffrey.
A. there, whole B. their, whole C. there, hole D. there, hall
29. One nite, there was a brownout and he didn’t no what to do.
A. nite, know B. night, know C. knight, know D. neigh, know
30. What graphic organizer is used in comparison and contrast?
A. KWL Chart B. Flowchart C. Story Map D. Venn Diagram
31. Which of the following is a way of expressing an opinion?
A. I want to live in the city.
B. I think life is better in a rural area than in an urban area.
C. You live in the city.
D. I live in a barrio.
32. Complete the sentence to express an opinion.
I __________ Maria will be happier if she stays here than transferring to the school next town.
A. conclude B. tell C. believe D. say
33. When writing a composition based on an outline, what should be the parts?
A. A composition should start with the introduction, proceed with the body and end with a conclusion.
B. A composition should start with the title, proceed with the introduction and end with a conclusion.
C. A composition should start with the title, proceed with the introduction and end with the body.
D. A composition should start with the title, proceed with the body and end with an introduction.
34. Read the dialog. What proper expression can complete the sentence?
Jema needs to make a call but her phone battery is drained. She is with her friend Kate.
Jema: Oh no! My phone’s dead. _______________________ I need to call my mom.
Kate: Yeah sure. Go ahead.
Jema: Thank you!
A. Give me your phone, will you? C. Can you charge my phone?
B. Is it okay if I borrow your phone? D. Will you call my mom?
35. Read the dialog and choose the proper expression to be used.
Jeff and Wissam are classmates. Jeff’s ballpen run out.
Jeff: My pen run out. Can I borrow one of yours?
Wissam: _____. Choose one.
Jeff: Thank you.
A. I’m sorry B. Sure C. I don’t like D. You pay
36. Which of the following propaganda asks people to join the crowd and take action because everyone is
doing it?
a. Bandwagon b. Transfer c. Card Stacking d. Glittering Generalities
37. Which of the following sentences is real?
A. The Philippines is an archipelago.
B. The Philippines has more than 7,000 islands because a giant crushed it before.
C. The Philippines is the home of lazy citizens.
D. The Philippines is the smallest country in the world.
38. When does this graphic organizer used?

A. Description B. Cause and Effect C. Sequence D. Compare and Contrast

39. Which of the following sentences express opinion?
I. Maybe the prices of vegetables will increase next month.
II. I think the prices of fruits will remain the same.
III. The prices of goods depend on the law of supply and demand.
IV. Many believe that fruits in season are the least expensive in the market.
A. Except I B. Except II C. Except III D. Except IV
40. Which of the following should you remember when making an outline?
I. Identify the main topic that you are going to write about.
II. List down subtopics that you want to discuss in your composition.
III. List down key points and details that will support your subtopics.
IV. Figure out the best flow or order of information using the topics and key points that you have listed.
A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III, and IV
41. The following are the seven types of propaganda EXCEPT one. Which is it?
I. Name Calling V. Glittering Generalities
II. Transfer VI. Testimonial
III. Plain Folks VII. Point of View
IV. Card Stacking VIII. Bandwagon
A.Name Calling B. Bandwagon C. Point of View D. Plain Folks
42. In the graphic organizer below, how many paragraphs can you make?

A. None B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
43. Prefixes un-, in-, dis-, im-, and ir- are often used to mean “opposite of” or “not”. Which prefix is
appropriate to fill the blank?
The problem was quite not possible to solve. It seemed _____.
A. unpossible B. inpossible C. impossible D. dispossible
For items 44-45. Read the dialog and answer the questions that follow.
Mark needs to ask his teacher for permission to get absent the next day.
Mark: Excuse me sir.
Mr. Cejero: What can I do for you, Mark?
Mark: Sir, __________ be absent tomorrow? I will attend my sister’s wedding.
Mr. Cejero: Yes, you may. Just have your make up class when you get back.
Mark: __________.
44. What proper expression shall Mark use?
A. Can you B. May I C. Will you D. Should I
45. What proper expression will Mark say after he was given the permission?
A. I’m sorry sir. B. Thank you sir. C. God bless you! D. I hate you!
46. When you draw an example of a non-fact images, which can you make?

A. B. C. D.

47. Fill in the correct transition words to complete the procedure in making a Peanut Butter Sandwich. Then,
write into a paragraph.
1. _____, get the loaf bread and peanut butter ready.
2. _____, take two slices of bread.
3. _____, spread peanut butter on one piece of bread.
4. _____, put the pieces together.
A. First, get the loaf bread and peanut butter ready. Next, take two slices of bread. Then, spread peanut
butter on one piece of bread. Finally, put the pieces together.
B. First, take two slices of bread. Next, get the loaf bread and peanut butter ready. Then, put the pieces
together. Finally, spread peanut butter on one piece of bread.
C. First, spread peanut butter on one piece of bread. Next, take two slices of bread. Then, get the loaf
bread and peanut butter ready. Finally, put the pieces together.
D. First, put the pieces together. Next, spread peanut butter on one piece of bread. Then, take two slices
of bread. Finally, get the loaf bread and peanut butter ready.
48. Which of the following graphic organizers can you create when giving directions or procedure?

A. B. C. D.

49. Which of the following sentences can you make showing a very happy emotion?
A. Yes! I was not able to make my assignment!
B. Whoa! My answer is wrong!
C. Oppss! There’s a big dog in front of the gate!
D. Yehey! Our team is the champion!
50. Using the outline, which composition can you make?

I. Earliest spices known to mankind
A. So expensive that a pound served as royal gift
B. Made as payment of taxes
C. Considered rich property
II. Pepper is a tropical vine
A. Bear fruits in four years
B. Produces heavily for fourteen years
C. Berries produce black pepper

A. Pepper
Pepper was the earliest spices known to mankind. It was so expensive that a pound served as
royal gift. It was made as payment of taxes. It was also considered rich property.
Pepper is a tropical vine. It bears fruits in four years. It produces heavily for fourteen years. The
berries produce black pepper.
B. Pepper
Pepper is a tropical vine. It bears fruits in four years. It produces heavily for fourteen years. The
berries produce black pepper.
Pepper was the earliest spices known to mankind. It was so expensive that a pound served as
royal gift. It was made as payment of taxes. It was also considered rich property.
C. Pepper
Pepper was the earliest spices known to mankind. It was so expensive that a pound served as
royal gift. It was made as payment of taxes. It was also considered rich property. Pepper is a tropical
vine. It bears fruits in four years. It produces heavily for fourteen years. The berries produce black
D. Pepper
Pepper is a tropical vine. It bears fruits in four years. It produces heavily for fourteen years. The
berries produce black pepper. Pepper was the earliest spices known to mankind. It was so
expensive that a pound served as royal gift. It was made as payment of taxes. It was also considered
rich property.
1. A 11. A 21. D 31. B 41. C
2. C 12. C 22. C 32. C 42. D
3. A 13. A 23. D 33. A 43. C
4. A 14. C 24. A 34. B 44. B
5. B 15. D 25. A 35. B 45. B
6. B 16. A 26. A 36. A 46. D
7. C 17. A 27. C 37. A 47. A
8. C 18. B 28. A 38. A 48. C
9. A 19. C 29. B 39. C 49. D
10. D 20. A 30. D 40. D 50. A

Grade: Grading Period: 1st School Year: 2018-


Time Spent




Topic (Frequency

Sound Devices
(onomatopoeia, alliteration,
1 assonance, personification, 5 2 2 2 5.55 6
irony and
Idiomatic expressions using
2 context clues, affixes, and 4 1 1 1 1 4.45 4
Pluralization of regular and
3 4 2 2 4.45 4
irregular nouns
4 Tone, mood, and purpose 3 1 1 1 3.33 3
5 Figures of Speech 4 1 1 2 4.45 4
6 Tenses and Aspects of Verbs 6 2 1 2 1 1 6.67 7
7 Modals 3 2 1 3.33 3
Subject pronouns with correct
reference agreement
8 5 2 1 2 1 5.55 6
pertaining to number and
9 Story Elements 5 2 2 1 1 1 5.55 6
10 Subject-Verb Agreement 6 3 2 1 6.67 7
TOTAL 45 15 10 10 5 5 5 50 50

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