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ACS Assignment Cover Sheet

Subject Name: Professional Environments (Module 1 – Assignment 1)

Assignment 1 – Professionalism, Ethics and Governance
Date of Submission: 29/03/2020
Case Study Name/No. 5B George
Participant Name:
Thanh Nhan Nguyen

ACS Member Number: 4230364

Declaration: ☒ Check this box

I declare that the assignment is based on my own work and that all material previously written
or published in any source by any other person has been duly acknowledged in the assignment.
I have not submitted this work, or a significant part thereof, previously as part of any academic
program. In submitting this assignment, I give ACS permission to copy for assessment purposes

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

Section 1 – The White Framework
Student Instructions: Fill in the Table below using short sentences or dot points to make a list in each section. You must fill out all
three table cells under Issues/Results prior to marking it as complete. You should input 350-500 words into this section.

Case Study
Name & Number:
Step Process/Step Issues/Results
Step 1: Analyze - The Given we have several options open to us, it is important to consider the possible positive and negative
Consequences consequences attached to each action:
- Who will be helped by the action? Will only the individual benefit or will it help the people he
associates with?
- Who will it hurt? Will the action come at a cost to others?
- What are the possible benefits and harms ?
- What are short run and long run consequences .
One looks at all the options to select on that produces the best trade off of benefits over harms.
In our case study there are two plausible actions. Either George gives Gagan the information or he doesnt.
Action one provides company level data. As a result The company including its employees will benefit.
Knowledge of areas of overall weakness will help understand concern area and allow for focused changes.
Employees will improve on the relevant skills and in turn through the trickle effect this improved expertise
will help the company.
However, action 2 comes with an additional consequence. While the company as a whole will benefit,
individuals will lose out. Gagan might use the individual level information to remove weak workers.
Workers will loose their jobs and livelihood. Overall, this lay off of weak workers may reduce morale and in
turn reduce firm level productivity. The impact of which will be largely negative in the future.

Step 2: Analyze - The This approach observes actions against moral standards of honesty, fairness, equality, dignity among
Actions others. One should question if the action seeps into the vulnerability of people around us. Does it take
advantage of the less fortunate or less informed. Often there is a conflict between the action makers
principles and the rights of other people involved. It is important to separate the two and see if their rights
are more important than the action makers principles.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

In the case study, action one is seen as a good action. It upholds the moral standards of the company and
adheres to individual level principles. However, action 2 causes a conflict. The Vice president may take
advantage of peoples vulnerability and test results to remove the weaker class of workers. He may use the
data to remove the weak and hire better workers who will benefit the firm and his status as a VP. However,
individuals will be harmed. While the monetary benefit might overpower the cost, however the societal
cost will be much larger.
the purpose of this approach is to decide on actions that are the least problematic.
Step 3: Make A Decision the consequence approach finds an action that create greater benefits than harm. The action approach
chooses the least problematic option. Given their results we finally make a decision. We choose an action
that does not cause large degrees of harm while benefiting the action maker.
In our case study the two options available are:
- Abide by the privacy policy and not give individual level data to Gagan
- Or, breach the confidence policy let out individual level data.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

Section 2 – The Governance and Regulatory Environment
Part 1 - ACS Code of Professional Conduct Analysis

Identify the appropriate ACS Code of Professional Conduct values along with the relevant sub-paragraph topics by number and sub-paragraph
(e.g. 1.2.6 (g) – endeavour to extend public knowledge and understanding of ICT). Group each by value and appropriate corresponding sub-
paragraphs relevant to your case study.

Case Study:
5B George
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Value & Section: 1.2.3
This ACS code of professional conduct focuses on establishing trust among worker, associates and clients. While working, public trust or the
trust of specific stakeholders but not be breached. Circumstances for deception will arise, however it is the duty of each individual to maintain
the trust of all individuals associated.
In our case study this is the most important code of conduct. Workers at George’s firm give out individual level private information in
confidence. They trust George and trust him to not let out individual level.
In accordance with the same, the values that George must uphold are :
1.2.3(g) not attempt to enhance your own reputation at the expense of another person’s reputation.
In order to get adhere with Gagan and not get into his good books, George should not let out information of the weaker cohort of
workers, given his understanding of the repercussions.
1.2.3(c) distinguish between your professional and personal opinions and advice.
As a professional George knows his restrictions, to improve his standing with the Vice president he must not let out sensitive
1.2.3(a) reject, and will not make, any offer of bribery or inducement.
To improve his position, George must not breach privacy policies.

ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.6

This code of conduct focuses on the image of the ICT industry and the ACS. The ACS is endeavouring to improve public confidence in the ICT
industry. To succeed in the same, professionals must maintain standards and adhere to code of conducts. In turn they must try and improve
the industry image by starting at the very base: improving the workplace image.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

George is a representative of his workplace. He portrays the culture and integrity of his workplace; how he reacts to situations explains how
people in his company/workplace to . If George breaches the trust of his fellow workers and lets out individual level data, he will be setting an
example of going against company law of keeping private individual level data. This will in turn portray the ethical standard of workers in the
company and their ability to break rules. This will weaken George and his work places image as a professional workplace. It also shows a low
image of the Vice president Gagan who is asking for information he is aware cannot be provided and breaches the privacy policy.
The values to keep in mind are:
1.2.6(a): take a calm, objective, informed and knowledgeable stance on your professional work, complementing your enthusiasm and
engagement in it.
George must lay out all the consequences and take an informed decision based on his understanding of the repercussions.
1.2.6(d): note that the corporate actions of the society are subject to this code, you should do whatever you can to ensure that the ACS and its
officers meet this obligation.
A code of conduct associated with the ACS focuses on privacy, a factor George must consider while making his decision.
1.2.6(e) neither require, nor attempt to influence, any person to take any action which would involve a breach of this code.
George was that the studies individual level data will not be let out. Going against the studies conditions is a breach of contract and George
must consider this while taking his decision.
1.2.6(f) refrain from any conduct or action n your professional role which may tarnish the image of the profession or detract from the good
name of the ACS.
Breaching the privacy policy and going against the company’s ethics with respect to the study may be inferred as a attempt at Tarneshing the
image of ones workplace, the ICT industry and ACS.
1.2.6(i) have pride in your profession and protect and promote professionalism in ICT.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.4
This code of conduct focuses on making oneself competent. One must accept work that they believe they are competent to perform. They
must not hesitate in obtaining additional expertise from appropriately qualified individuals. In case of doubt, they must seek advice, expertise
and information to make the correct decision.
George is in doubt and in two minds given his Vice President(senior management ) has asked him for some information. He is not aware of
what the VP can do with this information, but he is aware that it breaches the privacy policy of the study done. Even then , George may be in
an ambiguous position given the person he is dealing with. Given he isn’t sure of his decision it is always a good idea to ask for expert advice
and opinion to understand the way forward. George may find it comforting to ask someone in a better position of the correct, decent,
responsible way to deal with the situation. It may also be possible that George doesn’t know he is breaching a privacy policy. It may be a good
idea to speak to an expert to know the legislation and understand Georges options given the boundaries of legislation.
The values to uphold include:
1.2.4(c) make yourself aware of relevant standards and legislation and act accordingly.
George must make himself aware of the necessary legislation, and book of ethics associated with the company study and in turn data
collection, observation and sharing.
1.2.4(f) accept responsibility for your work.
1.2.4(g) respect, and seek where necessary, the professional expertise of colleagues in their areas of competence.

ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.2

An ethical approach in ones work will help recognise and minimise the adverse effects of ones actions and projects.
The study is a good way for the company to enhance their expertise and improve their position as an organisation. At the same time, the study
should be undertaken while maintaining a code of conduct and decorum. The study should not have negative implications for the participants.
The values of uphold include:
1.2.2.(b) protect and promote the health and safety of those affected by your work.
There is an element of risk in giving Gagan, individual level data especially f the weak employees. If George has a degree of doubt with respect
to the misuse of the data, he must uphold his position and protect his fellow workers.
1.2.2(c) understand and give due regard to the perceptions of those affected by your work.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

Section 2 – The Governance and Regulatory Environment
Part 2 – Legislative and International Standards Analysis

Identify the appropriate Australian Legislation (e.g. Fair Work Act; Privacy Act). Identify and list relevant Australian/International Organization
for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (AS ISO/IEC) (e.g. AS ISO/IEC 38500:2016). Provide at least four items in each
category in the boxes below.

Case Study:

Australian Legislation

The Australian Legislation relevant to this study include:

(1) The privacy Act (1988): This Act was introduced to promote and protect the privacy of individuals and to regulate how Australian
Government agencies and organizations handle personal information.
The privacy Act is the underlying ethic used as a boundary to conduct the study in this particular case study.
(2) Work Health and safety 2011: this act requires that people who conduct a business or undertaking ensure the health and safety of
Maintaining the privacy of the study cohort is a measure of ensuring the Work Health and safety of the company workers in this case
(3) Public interest Disclosure Act 2013: The Act facilitates the disclosure of wrongdoing in the work place.
If George believes and is sure that letting out individual level is a breach of code of conduct and in turn the data will be used against
the study cohort or participants then he as well as Gagan are breaking the law in which case the Public interest Disclosure Act hold.
(4) Workplace Gender equality Act 2012.
(5) Racial discrimination Act 1975
(6) Sex discrimination Act 1984
The last three legislations hold irrespective of the case study in hand. These three must be implemented at their highest degree of
understanding in each company. They must also be implemented at all levels in the workplace.

AS/ISO/IEC Standards

The standards include:

(1) ISO/IEC 27000: This is a standard that helps organizations keep their information assets secure.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

(2) ISO/IEC 27001: This standard sets the framework for information security management.
(3) ISO/IEC 27002: this standard focuses on the code of practice for information security controls.
(4) ISO/IEC 27008: the guidelines for the assessment of information security controls.
The above 4 standards are a fundamental element in empowering the ICT industry and in turn all associated workplaces. These conducts will
help the workplace become a safer environment with high ethical and moral standards.
It will allow workers to work and give out information with a degree of flexibility, transparency and confidence. It further allows them to be
protected within the boundaries of their workplace given the information they share.
While several ISO/IEC/AS standards hold in a work place, In my opinion the above 4 are closely associated with the problem of information
sharing in this particular case study.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

Section 3 – Justifying a Decision and Recommending Appropriate Action
Make short text responses to the five (5) questions in the spaces provided. Each response should be between 50 - 80 words (Total not to exceed
400 words).

1. What were the most important professional ethics issues/dilemmas for you in your scenario? (Reference at least two core issues)
1. Corporate Governance: In this study, the company is accountable for using individual level data at firm level to determine firm weaknesses.
By focusing on the individual level data there is a problem of unaccountability. The company is working in a grey area with limited control over
2.misusing/mismanagement of data. George is aware of the confidentiality clause associated with the study. He and his senior management
are allowed to use the study to implement company level changes, no individual data can we used. If George lets out information on “who did
well in the study” he is opening himself up to breach of legislation.
2. What do you believe are the most appropriate decisions to be made here for management, organisation and employees?
Management: The decision of considering individual level data : breach of legislation or within the ethical boundaries of the study.

Organisation: The areas of weakness/lack of expertise that need to be worked on to improve company level results and individual level

Employees: Degree of subjectivity; if they should lie given the fear of letting out individual data which may be used against them or should
they say the truth and gain assistance in improving their degree of competence.

3. Who is responsible for taking what action here and why? (Name names!)
Gagan: responsible for stopping himself and acting ethically. As VP he is responsible for using the data as firm level data to implement firm
level changes rather than focusing on “individual “ level changes

George: responsible for securing the data collected during the study and deciding whether it is within ethically boundaries to provide Gagan
with information on specific employees.

4. What can be done, or what strategies can be implemented to ensure that a similar situation does not occur again?
George knows that Gagan is working against the law and against company jurisdiction. To avoid a similar situation George must:
a) Deny Gagan access to individual data.
b) Collect relevant information to show breach of conduct.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

c) Go up to higher authority and address the matter
d) If higher authority does not agree than go to the ombudsman and report the matter.

5. What did you learn from reading this scenario?

I learnt that :
1. It is important to have a clear understanding of the relevant legislation/ ethical standards and code of conduct.
2. Ones higher authority may not always be correct and may in fact adhere to unethical practices.
3. One shouldn’t let pressure from higher authority let them act unprofessionally and unlawfully. They must take an objective decision
with a clear head while considering the law.
4. It is necessary to not act blindly but ensure one is working in a professional manner and not taking the easy route out.

Module 1 - Assignment 1 – Case Study (Response Template)

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