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1. I let my pupils write on a piece of paper a country they know aside from the Philippines. After
they did this, I asked them to spread around their papers on the floor and let them sit on their papers.

2. Sakay! (Ride!). If I say “Sakay!”, all the pupils will have to sit to where they are standing.

3. Lakbay! (Travel!). If I say “Lakbay!”, all the pupils will walk and go around the classroom (as if they are
traveling from one country to another).

4. Salakay! (Conquer!). If I say “Salakay!”, the pupils should look for country (a piece of paper on the
floor) and stand on it (as if they conquered that country). The pupils who would not be able to stand on
a piece of paper are now out of the game. 

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