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Scene One Scene One

Reread the opening stage "They told me to take a street-car named

directions of the play. Identify Desire, and then transfer to one called
an example of personification Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at --
Williams used and explain Elysian Fields.” Why might Williams have
how this description of the chosen this
setting sets the tone for the route to
play. deposit
Blanche at
Elysian Fields?

Scene One Scene One

What is your first impression Look through the first scene
of Blanche upon meeting her? and create a list of all the
How does Williams create terms of address Stanley uses
this? Consider her actions, to nominate Stella. What does
her clothing, and how her this reveal about both Stanley
facial descriptions are and Stella?
Scene One Scene One
Belle Rêve is French for Why does Blanche visit her sister? What is
beautiful dream. Because the the relationship like between the two sisters?
French noun, rêve, meaning Give an example from the text to support
dream, is masculine, the your opinion.
premodifying adjective should
be beau, rather than belle. What
does this “mistake” suggest
about Blanche’s dream from the

Scene One Scene One

When we first meet Stanley,
"There is something about
he is carrying a “red-stained
her uncertain manner, as well
package from the butcher.”
as her white clothes that
What is the significance of him
suggests a moth."
throwing this meat to Stella?
What does this suggest about
What are the characteristics
his view of women? What
of a moth? What could this
does this tell us about how
be saying about Blanche?
Stella views herself?
Scene Two
Scene Two In Scene 1, Stella refers to Stanley as a
Consider the inclusion of the “different species,” which could be a
tamale vendor calling out “Red- reference to Darwin’s On the Origin of
hot!” at the end of this scene. Species. Consider the theory of survival of
What are the connotations of the fittest. Who would survive the play
this phrase? What could be the according
significance? Who or what is to Darwin?
“Red-hot!”? How so? Explain.

Scene Two Scene Two

Blanche tells Stanley, Between Blanche and Stanley,
“Everything I own is in that who wins the struggle in this
trunk,” making the prop a scene?
symbol of her life and herself.
What does Stanley’s violation
of that trunk reveal about his
character? How could this
incident be an example of
Scene Two Scene Two
Notice all the paper mentioned How does Stanley’s language change during
in this scene – love letters, his conversation with Stella about Belle
papers from Belle Reve. What is Reve? What does this reveal about his
the significance of paper? Why character?
are these paper so important?

Scene Two Scene Two

Why does Stanley suspect Stanley calls Stella “baby” as
Blanche in this scene? Is there he attempts to “enlighten her
anything in particular that on a point or two” could be a
hurts Blanche’s credibility? term of endearment or could
reveal his attitude toward
women. What is your
interpretation of this term of
address from Stanley? Explain.
Scene Three Scene Three
How do the various characters Why does Stella return to Stanley?
react to Stanley’s violence in
this scene? What does this
suggest about them?

Scene Three Scene Three

The white radio becomes
What are the connotations of
associate with the idea of a
the color of the red robe
power struggle between Stanley
Blanche wears she she is
and Blanche. Who wins this
talking to Mitch outside of
power struggle and by what
the bathroom in this scene?
means? What does this struggle
What about the place blue
reveal about Blanche and
color of the kimono she
Stanley’s differing perspectives
changed out of?
on life?
Scene Three Scene Three
During the poker game in this Mitch’s use of the idiom, “all quiet along the
scene, is Stanley winning or Potomac” references the Civil War, when a
losing? What about Blanche, is general said things were quiet on the front
she figuratively winning or lines even though men were still being killed.
losing? How does this
add meaning
to what Mitch

Scene Three Scene Three

When Stanley screams Stella’s
Blanche uses a euphemism in
name at the end of this scene,
her reference to the “little
Williams describes him as “like a
boys’ room.” What does this
baying hound.” How does this
suggest about Blanche’s
imagery suit Stanley? Why does
character and how she wants
Williams refer to him in
to be viewed?
animalistic terms?
Scene Four Scene Four
Identify in this scene the exact Blanche uses the metaphor of the “rap-trap
place where Stanley won streetcar that bangs through the quarter” in
against Blanche in the battle for her conversation with Stella, to which Stella
Stella. Why this point? asks Blanche if she’s ever “ridden on that
What might
the streetcar

Scene Four Scene Four

What is the effect of coinciding
What is the significance of
Stanley’s entrance with the
Blanche not being able to use
approach of the train? How can
a modern telephone?
the train symbolize Stanley?
Scene Four
Scene Four In the opening stage directions of this scene,
What plans does Blanche want Stella is described as resting her hand on her
to make for Stella’s future? belly “rounding slightly with new maternity,”
Why? while the other “dangles a book of colored
comics.” What does it suggest about Stella’s
character that
she is reading
a comic

Scene Four Scene Four

What does Stella reveal to
Why is Blanche so adamant
Blanche about her relationship
about calling Shep Huntleigh?
with Stanley? What is it that
How much help do you think
draws them together?
he will be able to provide? Do
you think he will remember
Blanche? Explain.
Scene Five
Scene Five Why does Williams include the argument
What is the symbolism of the between Steve and Eunice in this scene? Is
Coca-Cola that spills onto this a similar event but with different
Blanche’s white dress? What characters? How so? Notice how Blanche
could this action represent? and Stella react to the argument. What does
this suggest
about life in
the French

Scene Five Scene Five

We learn in this scene that
What is the significance of the
Stanley is a Capricorn, the goat,
hand-held mirror Blanche
and Blanche is a Virgo, the
looks into during this scene?
virgin. Consider the
What is she confronting in
connotations of the star signs.
doing so?
How do they add their
Scene Five
Scene Five Blanche refers to Mitch as her
Has Stella completely “Rosenkavalier,“ a romantic hero of an opera.
conformed to the ways of the What does this suggest about Blanche? What
“New South”? Explain. is she looking for with Mitch?

Scene Five Scene Five

Why does Stanley refuse to kiss
Why does Blanche kiss the
Stella in front of Blanche? What
newspaper boy? Do you
is his motive in doing so?
sympathize with her at this
point? What could this
foreshadow about why she
lost her job?
Scene Six
Scene Six Why does Blanche tell Mitch the story of her
The motif of light is used husband? Is she being sincere or does she
repeatedly in this scene. List at have another motive? Explain.
least five places where light is
mentioned in this scene. What
does light represent for

Scene Six Scene Six

What do Mitch and Blanche have
How does the information
in common?
Blanche shares about her
dead husband, Allan, change
your opinion of her?
Scene Six Scene Six
What is the significance of Blanche’s last line
The opening stage directions
in this scene: “Sometimes – there’s God – so
state that Mitch took Blanche to
an amusement park for their
date. What does this suggest
about both characters and what
they are looking for?

Scene Six Scene Six

After returning home from What is the significance of the
their date, Blanche stands Polka music, the Varsouviana?
outside looking for the What is the only thing that stops
Pleiades, the constellation of the music from playing in
the seven sisters. Why is Blanche’s head? What is she
Blanche outside looking for a reminded of when she hears the
sister? What does this music?
suggest about her
relationship with Stella?
Scene Seven Scene Seven
What word does Stella use to refer to Allan’s
Birthday cakes usually
sexuality in this scene? What are the
symbolize celebration. Is this a
connotations of this word? Why do you think
celebratory scene? What else is
she used this word? What are the modern
signified by the cake and the
of this word?

Scene Seven Scene Seven

What is the significance of Consider Stanley’s behavior in
Blanche’s constant bathing? this scene. Is there any way to
What is she trying to clean? consider him a hero for his
action in this scene? Explain.
Scene Seven Scene Seven
Find at least two different animals that are
Why does Stanley tell Mitch
compared to Blanche in this scene. What is
what he learned about Blanche?
being implied by the comparisons and are
Do you think this was the right
they effective?
thing to do? Why or why not?

Scene Seven Scene Seven

Why has Blanche lost her What flower does Stanley
teaching job? Is this compare Blanche to in this
surprising? Why or why not? scene? How is this significant?
Do you believe Stanley?
Scene Eight Scene Eight
At the end of the scene, Stanley attempts to
Stella goes into labor as she and
go bowling. Why does Williams have Stanley
Stanley are arguing at the end
play this sport? How is this significant?
of the scene. What does this
symbolize? What could the
baby symbolize for both Stella
and Stanley?

Scene Eight Scene Eight

Blanche makes a joke that she How does Williams describe
is turning 27. Why is Blanche Stanley while he is eating in this
so concerned with her age? scene? What do these actions
What does this tell us about reveal about Stanley’s character.
her character?
Scene Eight Scene Eight
Is Stanley being deliberately cruel in this
What is the significance of the
scene? Why or why not?
broken dishes? What do they
signify for Stella? For Blanche?
For Stanley?

Scene Eight Scene Eight

What is the significance of the What attitudes towards America
bus ticket Stanley bought does Stanley revel in this scene?
Blanche? Consider the Do you share Stanley’s views of
connotations of the mode of America?
transportation. How is this
different from the mode of
transportation Blanche used
when she arrived?
Scene Nine Scene Nine
How has Mitch changed in this scene? Is he a
Make a note of what both Mitch
sympathetic character in this scene? Explain.
and Blanche are wearing in this
scene. How do their costumes
reflect their characters?

Scene Nine Scene Nine

How does Blanche still What is the significance of the
attempt to cling on to fantasy Mexican woman at the end of
in this scene? the scene? Consider what she is
selling and how this could be
Scene Nine Scene Nine
How does Mitch mistreat Blanche? How can
What is the significance of Mitch
his actions be justified?
tearing off the paper lantern in
this scene? Why is it significant
that he put it up in the first

Scene Nine Scene Nine

Blanche ends the scene by What does Blanche say is the
crying, “Fire! Fire! Fire!” What opposite of Desire? What does
could the fire symbolize? this mean? Explain.
Scene Ten Scene Ten
How is the scene with the drunkard and the
Did Williams intend for the rape
prostitute significant?
to be premeditated by Stanley
or a spur-of-the-moment
decision? Explain and give

Scene Ten Scene Ten

Read the stage directions What are Stanley’s motives for
again right before the attack. raping Blanche? Why does he
What does this suggest about resort to violence?
Scene Ten Scene Ten
Could it be argued that Blanche encouraged
Why does Blanche claim in this
Stanley in any way? Explain and give
scene that she is going on a
cruise with Shep Huntleigh?
What are her motives?

Scene Ten Scene Ten

What earlier event in the play What is the significance of
foreshadowed the rape? Stanley wearing his wedding
Were you surprised at night pajamas during his attack
Stanley’s actions? Explain. on Blanche? What does this
suggest about Stanley as a
character and his views about
Scene Eleven Scene Eleven
Stella says she “couldn’t believe her story
What is the significance of
and go on living with Stanley.” What does
Stanley tearing down the
this suggest about Stella? How do you feel
remains of the paper lantern?
about Stella as a character at this point?

Scene Eleven Scene Eleven

Blanche’s final words are, “I How does Mitch act during the
have always depended on the final scene? Why does he act this
kindness of strangers.” What way? Do you feel sympathy for
does this mean? How is this him? Did he love Blanche?
the cause of Blanche’s
Scene Eleven Scene Eleven
Find at least two religious references in the
The last line of the play
final scene. Why does Williams use this
references the poker game
religious language? Why does he emphasize
again. What does this imply for
the theme of religion at this point?
the characters remaining? How
have things changed? How is
life like a game?

Scene Eleven Scene Eleven

Why does Blanche not Why does Stella go on living
acknowledge Stella as she with Stanley at the end of the
leaves? play?
Scene Eleven Scene Eleven
In scene 10, Blanche cries on the phone that
Is Stella a weak character?
she is “caught in a trap.” Is she the only
character that is trapped? Explain.

Scene Eleven Scene Eleven

The original title of the play Now that Blanche is gone, what
was “The Moth.” Who does will Stanley and Stella’s marriage
this reference? How so? be like?
Would this have been a
better title for the play?

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